Public Research Commercialisation Survey – Denmark 2008 - Innovation: Analysis and Evaluations 13/2009

: 1903-1319
: Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
: 36
About the publication
The annual commercialisation survey illustrates the efforts and performance of public research institutions in technology transfer.
At national scale, the new data for 2008 reveal only a limited change in the com-mercialisation of public research results. On one hand, the revenues from commer-cialisation more than doubled compared to 2007. However, the number of license deals remained at roughly the same level, and the number of inventions actually declined compared to previous year.
Meanwhile, behind the picture at national level, there were major differences in the development at institutional level.
As a new development, the profile of the institutions technology transfer staff changed during 2008. While previously dominated by lawyers, the staff composi-tion by the end of 2008 was characterised by an almost equal balance between law-yers and professionals with an educational back-ground in economy or science.
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