Analysis of the Danish Research and Innovation System

: 978-87-93151-26-0
: 2014
The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation has combined two systemic analyses and an updated version of the CIM manual in a joint compendium over the Danish Research and Innovation System. The impact study, ”The Short-run Impact on Total Factor Productivity Growth of the Danish Innovation and Research Support System”, is the first joint estimation of the economic impact of innovation and research support programmes in Denmark.
The study, ”Economic Impacts of Business Investments in R&D in the Nordic Countries”, offers new insight and knowledge to the question; what is the effect of investments in private R&D? The study is the first of its kind which makes it possible to compare the effect of investment across the four Nordic countries.
To secure the same standard across the different research and innovation programmes, the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation has formulated nine principles as minimum requirements and standards on methods and data for excellent econometric impact assessments of public research and innovation programmes and policies.
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