English summary The hidden Danish champions - Productivity successes in Danish industry

The report “The hidden champions – Danish industrial export successes” provides an in-depth analysis of small Danish manufacturing companies with 50 to 500 employees
October 01, 2013
: 978-87-92776-88-4
: Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
: 2013
: 20
: 978-87-92776-88-4
: Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation
: 2013
: 20
The analysis is situated in a broader policy effort to improve the framework conditions for
manufacturing firms in Denmark. The purpose of the analysis has been to:
- assess the economic performance of the group of companies in the Danish industrial middle class;
- analyse their strategies and approaches to business development in relation to opportunities, greater uncertainty and changing dynamics in global markets, in particular within global value chains; and
- provide new evidence on how policies effectively can contribute to further development of these companies, which can strengthen the competitive position of manufacturing industries in Denmark and be a source of future growth and job creation.
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last modified
August 15, 2019