Drones - Mapping Potential Collaborators in the American Drone Research Environment

: 978-87-93706-01-9
: Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education
: 2018
: 21
The report is in three parts. First, the overall framework for the American environment, showing the large volume of drone activities in research, entrepreneurship, and industry, is presented. Next, the American legislation on the drone field shows that US states, like Denmark, have widely access to advanced testing facilities and flexible legal limits. At the end, universities and researchers are identified, who have expressed interest in specific collaborations with ICDK.
The report is complementary to the survey of seven international drone fields, published by the Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science in December 2016, with the starting point in the countries where Denmark has innovation centres.
This report focuses exclusively on the United States and is more elaborate on the subject.
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