It is time to look beyond Beijing for research funding

: 978-87-93468-99-3
: ICDK Shanghai
: 2018
: 29
The new ICDK Outlook ”Research funding in China – Regional opportunities for Danish universities” explores other options. It looks broadly at the Chinese research funding system and the ways in which scientists based at Danish universities can apply for funding in the Chinese system. It presents a number of insights related to the regional (provinces and city-level) funding mechanisms. These insights reveal that there is a range of opportunities on these levels for international scientists.
These findings are important. Clearly, the possibilities offered on the provincial and local level differ from their national counterparts in both content and procedure. However, the size of the funding is substantial and with the right local partner, competition is less fierce and the funding potentially flexible. In other words, while there are still lots of research funding available in Beijing, it may be fruitful, for Danish scientists and universities, to look beyond Beijing, look to China’s provinces and city governments for new partners and new possibilities.
Like the previous years, the Danish Innovation Center has also prepared an update of the annual funding guide, which provides an overview of opportunities for external research funding on a national level in China. The report can also be found at
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