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Focus on Open Access in the EU

Open Access and free access to research data are high on the political agenda in the EU.

Open Access is viewed as decisive for the EU's possibilities of achieving a more streamlined knowledge sharing, of increasing its competitiveness in the area of scientific research and strengthening economic growth in the region.

The EU Commission has been concerned with Open Access to research publications and free accessibility of research data since 2006.

The EU Commission has been concerned with Open Access to research publications and free accessibility of research data
The EU Commission has been concerned with Open Access to research publications and free accessibility of research data
In 2007 Denmark adopted the Council of the European Union’s conclusions on Scientific information in the digital age: access, dissemination and preservation.

In the Council conclusions the Member States commit themselves to formulate policies for Open Access to scientific articles and data from publicly financed research.

On 17 July 2012, the EU Commission published its recommendation on access to and preservation of scientific information, which contains clear objectives and recommendations for the Member States. The initiative stresses that there is a need for the widest possible sharing of knowledge in relation to publicly financed research, and that this constitutes a vital step in strengthening the competitiveness and economic growth of Europe.

These two initiatives have contributed to and have influenced the framing of the EU Commission’s communication of 17 July regarding “A Reinforced European Research Area Partnership for Excellence and Growth”


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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024