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Proposals via e-grant

On this page you can find submission templates and a guide to the submission process via the e-grant application system.

E-grant will be open for submissions from 1 June and close on 31 October at 12 noon.

Direct link to the submission page in e-grant:

Proposal and budget templates for submissions

Proposals for the Roadmap require submission of two documents in pdf format: 1) The proposal itself, including annexes and commitment letters, and 2) the proposed budget. You must use the templates linked below in your submission.

How to submit

Before you can submit a proposal for the Roadmap, you must first create a user profile at www.e-grant.dk. It is recommended to use MitID if possible.

The submission page is in Danish.

On the submission page, you must fill out information in three steps:

  1. Applicant ("Ansøger")

    In the first section, select the third option and fill out the required fields:
    Ansøger som kontaktperson.png
    In the second section, specify the title of the project. The remaining fields may be filled out but are not required:
    Ansøgning og titel.png
    In the third section, fill out the estimated budget and expected start and end dates for the project:
    Budget og datoer.png
  2. GDPR

    In this section you must specify the name and email address of any person mentioned or involved in the application (by name, CV, email, etc.). Select the total number of persons and fill out the fields. Upon submission of the proposal, e-grant will send an email to those listed with information about the processing of their personal information.
  3. Attach documents ("Vedlæg dokumenter")

    The last step is where you upload your proposal and budget. Please note that the proposal, budget and commitment letters must use the templates found at the top of this page. Upload your proposal and commitment letters in one PDF and your budget in a separate PDF (below is an example, please name the documents according to the title of your project):
    Vedlæg dokumenter.png


Søren Busch Jensen
Tlf.: +45 72 31 80 04
Email: sbuj@ufm.dk

Document Actions

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024