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ESFRI and the European roadmap for research infrastructures

European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) was established in 2002 with the purpose to develop the European research environment by formulating a coherent strategy for the development and establishment of research infrastructures.


ESFRI consists of delegates from the 27 EU member states, from the Commission and from the EU associated countries. The delegates are nominated by the individual countries’ research  ministers. ESFRI’s purpose is to promote the establishment of large-scale transnational research infrastructures in Europe and at the same time function as a facilitator for international negotiations about concrete initiatives within the research infrastructure area.

ESFRI’s primary instrument is the formulation of a common European roadmap for research infrastructure. The roadmap’s purpose is to identify promising collaborations on research infrastructure with pan-European relevance and interest. ESFRI published its first European roadmap in 2006 and it has since been updated in 2008, 2010, 2016, 2018 and in 2021. The roadmap is expected to be updated again in 2024.

The European roadmap contains projects, which are at two different stages in their lifecycles. Currently, it contains 22 projects which are expected to be implemented within a time frame of up to 10 years. In addition, it contains 41 landmarks: former ESFRI roadmap projects that are now realised and hence given the status of ESFRI landmarks; these are thus characterised as successful research infrastructure projects which are under implementation or already implemented.

ESFRI does not have its own financial means to invest in prioritised research infrastructures on the European roadmap, which is why the funding must come from the participating countries. Therefore, it is up to the individual countries to prioritise to which scale they want to invest in the realisation of the different research infrastructures. In many countries, including Denmark, this prioritisation takes place through national roadmap processes.

European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC)

The European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) is a legal framework established by the European Union to facilitate the establishment and operation of European research infrastructures. ERICs provide a platform for international collaboration that may enable researchers to access facilities across Europe.

Participating in an ERIC collaboration offers research capabilities and scientific networks. Institutions and organizations interested in joining an ERIC collaboration can do so by following a process outlined by the ERIC regulation.

In Denmark, several research infrastructures actively participate in ERICs, including EPOS (European Plate Observing System) and EURO-BIOIMAGING.

ESFRI projects with Danish participation

ESFRI projects with Danish participation are listed in the table below (danish):

Med delegationsaftale

ERIC underskrevet men endnu ikke delegationsaftale

Deltagelse uden medlemskab

Deltagelse på institutionsniveau i forberedende arbejde

-     CLARIN

-       EPOS

-       ESS Social

-       E-RIHS

-     DARIAH

-       PRACE

-       SHARE

-       ACTRIS

-     CESSDA

-       Euro-BioImaging


-       DiSSCo


-       AnaEE


-       WindScanner


-       ELIXIR


-       EMPHASIS 


-       INSTRUCT




-       ICOS







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Mads Rugaard Christensen
Tlf.: +45 72 31 87 13
Email: mrc@ufm.dk
Bjarke Stoltze Kaspersen
Tlf.: +45 72 31 87 25
Email: bsk@ufm.dk
Johnny K. Mogensen
Tlf.: +45 72 31 95 57
Email: jkm@ufm.dk

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024