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Enquiries from the public

The committee processes personal data when individuals contact the committee with an enquiry.

The committee receives enquiries from individuals on many different issues related to the committee’s work, often including issues concerning the individual’s own situation. Personal data is processed in order to be able to respond to the enquiries.

Purpose and legal basis for processing personal data
The purpose of processing personal data is to be able to respond to the specific enquiry.

The legal basis for the committee’s response to individual enquiries is in many cases unwritten legal principles and principles of suitable public administration practice, where the committee must provide guidance on, or respond to, the enquiry submitted to the committee. There is an obligation to provide guidance in cases requiring a decision. Furthermore, in § 7 of the Public Administrations Act, it is stated that the committee has an obligation to provide guidance, when the enquiry concerns a subject that falls within the area of the authority.

Categories of registered individuals
The committee processes the personal data of the individual who has contacted the committee. Depending on the specific enquiry, the committee may also process data about other people.

Categories of personal data
The committee processes the personal data of the individual who has contacted the committee, in order to be able respond to the enquiry. 

It might be necessary to process other types of personal data in order to respond to the enquiry, typically if that data is mentioned in the enquiry.

Forwarding personal data
Sometimes, the committee will forward personal data to the relevant educational institutions with the objective of examining a case.

Where does personal data originate?
The personal data generally originates from the individual who has contacted the committee.

Storage of personal data
Documents with personal data are filed in accordance with the rules set forth in the Access to Public Administration Files Act and are delivered to the authorities in charge of archiving in accordance with the Archives Act (approximately every 5 years). After delivery to the archive authorities, the committee will keep a copy of the data for approximately 5 years depending on the required period for filing.


Kirstine Hvitved Ekholm
Tlf.: +45 72 31 86 03
Email: kihe@ufm.dk

Document Actions

The Danish Board on Research Misconduct
last modified June 23, 2024