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Forming Consortia

International and cross-sectoral cooperation is a key element of Horizon Europe. Therefore, much weight is given to the composition and expertise of the consortium in the evaluation of applications for Horizon Europe. Use the EU-DK Support and Innovation Centres when searching for foreign partners.

It is important early on in the process that you establish a cooperation with other partners. You can search for collaborators for your own project, or you can find projects searching for a partner.

It is important that a consortium has participants that:

  • are the best for the assignment
  • have a real interest in the project and its results
  • complement each other regarding experience (avoid overlaps)
  • have enough time to invest in the project

In addition, it is an advantage if the partners know each other in advance as cooperation will be facilitated. It is a further advantage if some partners have already had experience with European cooperation projects.

Requirements for Consortium Formation

For most types of funding under Horizon Europe it is required that at least three project participants from three different EU Member States or associated countries form a consortium. However, exemptions exist. These primarily apply to funding from the European Research Council, the European Innovation Council, and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

Before entering a project cooperation, it is crucial that you have studied the rules on consortium formation, including the rules for eligibility of participants in international consortia.

How to Find Collaborators
European Commission’s Matchmaking Feature

You can use the ‘partner search’ feature on the European Commission’s Funding and Tenders portal. Here you can find a call where you search for or offer your cooperation. Or you can contact relevant organisations directly through the portal.

EU-DK Support’s Matchmaking Feature

You can also use EU-DK Support’s features to find potential collaborators. At the network website you can use the matchmaking feature to search for partners.

Finding Global Partners through Innovation Centres

The Danish innovation centres around the world can also help searching for global collaborators for your project. The innovation centres are located in Shanghai, Boston, Silicon Valley, Munich, São Paulo (until 30 June 2021), New Delhi, Seoul, and Tel Aviv. The centres operate under the auspices of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Higher Education and Science.

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024