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Writing the Application

As a general rule, applications contain two parts. Your application must comply with the requirements set for the two parts and reflect the expectations for project proposals described in the topics of the call. Do start early and set aside three to six man-months for the task, depending on the call

Two Parts of the Application

An application for a call in Horizon Europe consists of two parts:

  • Part A - filled in electronically on the portal
  • Part B - filled in in a word template and uploaded as a pdf document

Part A

In Part A you must fill in information about:

  • General information
  • Participants
  • Budget
  • Ethics
  • Security

Part B

In Part B, you are to describe the project and how you/the consortium will conduct the project. This is the core application. Part B consists of three main sections corresponding to the three evaluation criteria for Horizon Europe applications:

1. Excellence 

Here you describe the project’s scientific and/or innovative quality (objectives, approach, interdisciplinarity, ambition level, etc.).

2. Impact

In this section, the expected innovative and/or scientific impact of the project at European and, if relevant, global level is described. Here you must describe, among others, societal impact, European added value, exploitation of project results, and plans for dissemination of results to relevant target groups. The exploitation and dissemination plan must be included in the application (unless otherwise explicitly stipulated in the topic in question).

3. Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation

In this section, you must explain the structure, management, and conduct of the project and describe the cooperation between the partners in the consortium.
In addition, you must describe the following:

  • Members of the Consortium

The different partners in the consortium and their tasks and roles in the project.

Single-Stage and Two-Stage Applications

Some Horizon 2020 applications are to be submitted in two stages. These are the so-called ‘two-stage applications’. The first part of a two-stage application is called a ‘first stage application’. It covers approximately 10 pages and only consists of an Excellence section and some of the Impact section of Part B.

For other topics, it is a requirement that the entire application of no more than 45 pages is submitted in one stage. These are the so-called ‘single-stage applications’. For each topic in the calls, it is indicated whether a single or a two-stage application is required.

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024