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Webinar: COFUND 2024 call under Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) in Horizon Europe

MSCA COFUND provides support for co-financing of regional, national or international researcher training programmes. In this webinar, we will focus on the 2024 call which has a deadline of 26 September 2024. The webinar will be held on 14 May from 10:00 - 11:00 A.M. CET.
  • Time and place
  • When May 14, 2024 from 10:00 AM to 11:15 AM
  • Where Zoom

MSCA COFUND aims to foster excellence in researcher training and career development. International, cross-sectoral, and interdisciplinary mobility are fundamental elements of the co-funded programmes.

COFUND is a 'bottom-up' programme, allowing for free choice of research topic.

There are 2 different types of COFUND projects:

  • Doctoral Programmes: Training the next generation of PhDs
  • Fellowship Programmes: Advancing the careers of researchers with a PhD degree

For both types, there is a single beneficiary responsible for the necessary co-financing.

The duration of the grant period is 3-5 years, and it is possible to apply for grants of up to 10 million euros.

Who can apply?

Entities that finance or administer PhD programmes or fellowships for researchers, or those that recruit, host or train researchers. For example, a university, a funding agency, a company or a regional authority. The institution must be based in an EU country or an associated country.

Additionally, other organisations can be involved in the project by recruiting and potentially co-financing researchers.

Webinar Content

During the webinar, we will delve into the content of the COFUND 2024 call.

Zakaria Benameur, Project Advisor in the MSCA Unit at the European Research Executive Agency (REA), will review the two types of COFUND programmes, participation rules, budget, evaluation criteria and process.

Katrine Sonne-Hansen from the University of Copenhagen, Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC), will share her experiences with applying for and receiving funding from MSCA COFUND, as well as experiences from the implementation of several COFUND projects.

It is possible to ask questions via the Q&A function.

Target Audience

The webinar is aimed at researchers, advisors, companies, and others interested in MSCA COFUND.


The webinar will be conducted in English.

How to Access the Webinar

You will receive a direct link to the webinar room (Zoom) shortly before the webinar.

The webinar will be recorded.


EuroCenter in the Danish Ministry of Education and Research.

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Lea Louise Motzfeldt
Tlf.: +45 72 31 86 19
Email: lmot@ufm.dk
Anne Maibohm
Tlf.: 72318261
Email: amma@ufm.dk
Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science