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Introduction to Health

The health cluster provides support for research and innovation projects that can improve and protect the health and well-being of EU citizens through new knowledge, technology and innovative solutions which can help prevent, diagnose, monitor, treat and cure diseases.

What is Funded?

The programme broadly covers the health field - from biomedical research to public health interventions and from health systems research to technology development including digitalization. Applications must respond to predefined research and the innovation topics described in the work programme of the health cluster.

The programme will cover the following six thematic areas over the course of the next four years (2021-2024):

  1. Staying Healthy in a Rapidly Changing Society
  2. Living & Working in a Health-Promoting Environment
  3. Tackling Diseases & Reducing Disease Burden
  4. Ensuring Access to Innovative, Sustainable & High-Quality Healthcare
  5. Unlocking the Full Potential of New Tools, Technologies and Digital Solutions for a Healthy Society
  6. Maintaining an Innovative, Sustainable & Globally Competitive Health Industry.

Calls and Deadlines

Calls and Deadlines for Health will be announced at:

Who can Apply?

Universities, hospitals and other research institutions, university colleges, Research and Technology Organisation (GTS institutes), small and medium-sized companies, large companies, NGOs and associations (e.g. patient associations) as well as local, regional and state authorities.

As the programme emphasises a holistic and multidisciplinary approach to research and innovation,it also aims to integrate humanities and social science research.

Requirements for Applicants

An EU project is a collaborative effort between disciplines and countries and applicants must team up in a consortium in order to apply. The minimum requirement is a consortium made up of at least three partners from three different EU member states or associated countries to EU.

More Information about the Programme

Please find more information on:

Counselling on Horizon Europe

EuroCenter in The Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science, along with the EU-DK Support network of EU advisors, offers counselling on Horizon Europe. The advisors can help you with the process all the way from project idea to the application and implementation of your project.


Emma Emilie Højer Winther
Tlf.: +45 72 31 78 99
Email: ehw@ufm.dk
Lasse Wolthers
Tlf.: +45 72 31 87 33
Email: lwol@ufm.dk

Document Actions

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024