The grants are awarded within the framework of the Danish Council for Independent Research’s Autumn 2014 and Spring 2015 call, with the aim of providing researchers in Denmark the best possible conditions for producing outstanding research results at a high international level.
Grant letters will be forwarded to the recipients as soon as possible. Rejection letters will include a brief text, explaining the main academic reasons for the project not obtaining a grant.
Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to make adjustments. A very limited number of applicants have been admitted to a waiting list and they will be contacted directly.
Grant Recipient: Bue Rübner Hansen
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,988,631
Project Title: Winter is Coming Project (WiCP) - Arctic Farming in Norse Greenland
Grant Recipient: Christian Koch Madsen
Place of Employment: National Museum of Denmark
Awarded Amount: 1.837.127
Project Title: Mark's Gospel and Literate Education: The Quest for Literary Quality
Grant Recipient: Jacob Palle Bliddal Mortensen
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,852,866
Project Title: Picasso in Denmark? The Critical and Artistic Reception of International Art in Denmark 1945-1968
Grant Recipient: Karen Westphal Eriksen
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,781,529
Project Title: Territoriality, Governmentality, and Colonial Rule: A Global History of the War on Non-Sedentary Peoples and Itinerant Cultures during the Long Nineteenth Century
Grant Recipient: Martin Müller
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,702,697
Project Title: Literature as ethics: Stanley Cavell, skepticism, and the scope of moral perfectionism
Grant Recipient: Mette Blok
Place of Employment: Roskilde University
Awarded Amount: 1.676.485
Project Title: Disconnectivity in the Digital Age
Grant Recipient: Pepita Hesselberth
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,087,818
Project Title: FORMS AND FORUMS: Art institutions in the intersection of research, exhibition formats and the question of politics
Grant Recipient: Sidsel Nelund
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,914,630
Project Title: Sustainable Rationalities: The Economic Philosophy of the Sustainability Movement
Grant Recipient: Stefan Gaarsmand Jacobsen
Place of Employment: Copenhagen Business School
Awarded Amount: DKK 1,974,545
Project Title: Fortune Chasers: Transnational Hustling and the Everyday Livelihoods of Organised Theft and Scamming in Europe
Grant Recipient: Trine Mygind Korsby
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,207,253
Project Title: Flesh Work: The Erotic Economy of Settler Colonialism
Grant Recipient: Victor Cova
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 2,049,301
Project Title: Church' at the time of the Reformation - Invisible community, visible parish, confession, building…? Sixth RefoRC Conference, Copenhagen 2016
Grant Recipient: Anna Vind
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 77,040
Project Title: Mind over Metal: Metal Music and Culture from a Cross-disciplinary Perspective
Grant Recipient: Cynthia Marie Grund
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 79,200
Project Title: Video Games of Concern and Concerns about Video Games
Grant Recipient: Espen Aarseth
Place of Employment: IT University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 79,200
Project Title: Science of the Signifier - Analysing the Cultural Unconscious
Grant Recipient: Lilian Munk Rösing
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 79,200
Project Title: 8th International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling - ICIDS 2015
Grant Recipient: Luis Emilio Bruni
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 78,336
Project Title: Child and Teen Consumption Conference 2016
Grant Recipient: Malene Gram
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 78,846
Project Title: Lutheran Confessional Cultures in Early Modern Germany and Scandinavia
Grant Recipient: Per Ingesman
Place of Employment: Aarhus University
Awarded Amount: DKK 79,200
Project Title: Nordisk Historikermøde
Grant Recipient: Poul Duedahl
Place of Employment: Aalborg University
Awarded Amount: DKK 79,200
Project Title: Happiness, Wellbeing and the Good Life - Perspectives and Applications
Grant Recipient: Søren Klausen
Place of Employment: University of Southern Denmark
Awarded Amount: DKK 77,040
Project Title: The Cultural History of the Avant-Garde in the Nordic Countries 1975-2000
Grant Recipient: Tania Ørum
Place of Employment: University of Copenhagen
Awarded Amount: DKK 79,200