By the deadline of the 7th November 2013 the Council had received 92 applications for FSS-Pregraduate scholarships. The total amount applied for was approximately 15 mio. DKK.
Please find below the list of applications that the Council has decided to support with either a full or limited grant.
Please be advised that the Council cannot be held responsible for printing errors and reserves the right to adjust the granted amounts listed. Changes to the granted amount may, for instance, be adjusted if overlapping grants are awarded from other funding sources, or if the overhead rate has been inaccurately applied. Specific requirements may also be attached to individual grants.
Grant letters and rejection letters will be sent out during the January 2014. All correspondence will be sent to the e-mail address included on the electronic application form. On the basis of the conditions and evaluation criteria set out in the Call, the letters of rejection will contain a brief explanation pointing out the main academic reasons, why the grant has not been awarded.
Project Title: GABAC receptors, a novel therapeutic target in retinal degenerative disorders
Grant Recipient: Bente Frølund
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 208.800
Project Title: Ketamin udløst øget kortikal glutamataktivitet og blodgennemstrømning: En model for sammenhængende multimodale forstyrrelser ved skizofreni?
Grant Recipient: Birte Yding Glenthøj
Place of Employment: Psykiatrisk Center Glostrup
Awarded Amount: 123.720
Project Title: Prognostiske biomarkører hos patienter med planocellulære mundhulecancer
Grant Recipient: Christian von Buchwald
Place of Employment: Rigshospitalet
Awarded Amount: 134.030
Project Title: Association between reporting of three respiratory symptoms; cough, dyspnea and hemoptysis, lifestyle factors and health care seeking: a population based cross-sectional study
Grant Recipient: Dorte Ejg
Place of Employment: Syddansk Universitet
Awarded Amount: 187.200
Project Title: Functional characterization of Na+,HCO3- cotransport in the mouse medullary thick ascending limb
Grant Recipient: Ebbe Bødtkjer
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: The neuroendocrinology of aggression - associations between aggression, serotonergic neurotransmission and sex hormone levels
Grant Recipient: Gitte Moos Knudsen
Place of Employment: Rigshospitalet
Awarded Amount: 144.340
Project Title: Familial clustering of syncope - a nationwide linkage study
Grant Recipient: Gunnar Hilmar Gislason
Place of Employment: Gentofte Hospital
Awarded Amount: 123.720
Project Title: Farmakologisk karakterisering af potente og selektive agonister på den G protein-koblede receptor GPR32
Grant Recipient: Hans Bräuner-Osborne
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 129.600
Project Title: Effect of Paroxetine Treatment on Left Ventricular Remodeling in an In-vivo Rat Model of Myocardial Infarction
Grant Recipient: Hans Erik Bøtker
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitetshospital
Awarded Amount: 154.650
Project Title: Radioisotope-Based Elimination of Cancer Stem Cells in Small Cell Lung Cancer
Grant Recipient: Jan Mollenhauer
Place of Employment: Syddansk Universitet
Awarded Amount: 172.800
Project Title: The Physiological Correlate of New Non-invasive Neuromodulating Treatment of Chronic Neuropathic Pain. A PET imaging Study
Grant Recipient: Jens Christian Hedemann Sørensen
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitetshospital
Awarded Amount: 154.650
Project Title: The ligand-gated P2X ion channels as regulators of renal tubular transport
Grant Recipient: Jens Georg Leipziger
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Neuroinflammation in Diabetes - a possible link to Alzheimer's Disease? A microPET study in the GK-rat, an animal model of type 2 Diabetes
Grant Recipient: Jørgen Rungby
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Interstitial Cajal-Like cells in the human uterus and Fallopian tube
Grant Recipient: Karl-Erik Andersson
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 172.800
Project Title: Genetic influence on risk of childhood obesity
Grant Recipient: Klaus Bønnelykke
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 145.800
Project Title: Pathophysiological Mechanisms of Migraine with Aura in Humans
Grant Recipient: Messoud Ashina
Place of Employment: Glostrup Hospital
Awarded Amount: 61.860
Project Title: Effekt af remote iskæmisk konditionering på dekompressionssyge
Grant Recipient: Michael Pedersen
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: The use of the ex vivo placental perfusion model to study placental malaria vaccine efficacy and the biology of parasite sequestration
Grant Recipient: Morten Agertoug Nielsen
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 111.600
Project Title: Ghrelin - et modregulatorisk hormon ved hypoglykæmi?
Grant Recipient: Niels Møller
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Interactions between renal sympathetic nerve activity and EDHF
Grant Recipient: Niels-Henrik Holstein-Rathlou
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Interventionsstudie rettet mod mundhuleinfektioner ved kronisk nyresygdom
Grant Recipient: Siri Beier Jensen
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: Role of renal sympathetic nerve activity in the development of hypertension in diet induced obesity in rats
Grant Recipient: Thomas Engelbrecht Nordkild Jonassen
Place of Employment: Københavns Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000
Project Title: The role of a putative Ca(2+)-activated Cl(-)channel, TMEM16A, in regulation of vascular function in vitro and in vivo
Grant Recipient: Vladimir Matchkov
Place of Employment: Aarhus Universitet
Awarded Amount: 216.000