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International Cooperation

The Ministry of Higher Education and Science or other Danish institutions represent Denmark in a large number of international organizations and forums of relevance to polar research.

Agreement on enhancing international Arctic scientific cooperation

On 23 May 2018, a new agreement between Denmark and the other seven Arctic states came into force. The agreement, which was implemented within the framework of the Arctic Council, aims to increase international research collaboration and to support easier movement of researchers and research equipment across the Arctic region.


Denmark participates in the circumpolar collaboration ‘University of the Arctic’ (UArctic), which is an interdisciplinary network of research and education institutions involved with education and research in, and about, the Arctic.

European Polar Board (EPB)

EPB was established in 1995 as an interest group in relation to the EU. Its members are national research councils, polar research institutes, ministries, etc from 17 European countries.

EU PolarNet

In 2015, the EU granted the European Commission EUR 2 million for a five-year project involving EPB members and others, who wished to prepare a proposal for a common European polar research program including infrastructure. Danish member organizations: GEUS, Greenland's Natural Institute and Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education. Represented by Klaus Nygaard (Greenland Institute of Natural Resources) and Frej Dichmann (Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education).

Forum of Arctic Research Operators (FARO)

FARO was established in 1998 as a network for coordinators of logistical and operational support for Arctic research. Danish representative in FARO is Morten Rasch (University of Copenhagen). The secretariat for FARO is located at Aarhus University with Elmer Topp-Jørgens as secretary.

International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)

The IASC was established by the eight Arctic states in 1990 to promote international cooperation on Arctic research. The IASC hosts the annual conference called the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW). Danish member organization: The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education, represented by Lise Lotte Sørensen (Aarhus University).

Sustaining Arctic Observing Network (SAON)

SAON was created in 2012 by the Arctic Council to give easier access to data to scientists - for the benefit of the Arctic communities. This is done by coordinating the various monitoring efforts in the Arctic.


Line Bekker Poulsen
Tlf.: 72318074
Email: lbp@ufm.dk

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified August 01, 2024