With the establishment of a Forum for Arctic Research, we have created a place were Arctic research activities can be discussed and co-ordinated across disciplines and institutions, and from all parts of the Danish realm. The Forum serves as a coordinating body for the key players and stakeholders within the polar research environments.
On the basis of the discussions in the Forum, it will provide perspectives and recommendations but it does not have formal decision-making or advisory power.
The establishment of the Forum for Arctic Research should contribute to:
- increasing coherence between the stakeholders efforts within arctic research
- forming a coordinating body for the key players and stake holders in the field
- supporting synergy and a more clear effect of the used resources in the area.
The Forum for Arctic Research prepares an annual report about the status and challenges in connection to research and development within the area. Among other things, the report will contain proposals for new focus areas and provide an overview of substantial new research results.