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The RESEARCH2025-process

During the RESEARCH2025-process, research areas were identified on the basis of what a wide variety of stakeholders find particularly promising. Concurrently, the process uncovers the Danish prerequisites for pursuing a successful effort in the given fields of research..

The preparation of the RESEARCH2025-catalogue was carried out in dialogue and as a co-creation process with several stakeholders, which, in different ways, have links to scientific research.

The RESEARCH2025-catalogue was prepared with a limited degree of involvement from the political level according to the arm's length principle. This is because the catalogue must function as a basis of knowledge, inspiration and prioritization for both the government and the opposition in relation to political decision making regarding the allocation of strategic research funding.

During the planning of RESEARCH2025, the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education – in accordance with requests from stakeholders – put emphasis on the following aspects:

  • That the process was organised with as much      openness and transparency as possible
  • That stakeholders were included as much and as      early as possible
  • That the stakeholders could participate in      cross-cutting discussions, e.g. across ministries, Danish knowledge      institutions as well as trade associations and interest organizations.

The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education decided to split the RESEARCH2025-process into the following five main stages (click for a detailed description)

1) The stakeholders prepare inputs on research themes (February-May 2016)

2) The Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education prepares a draft of a tentative structure (June-July 2016)

3) Preparation of the first draft of the RESEARCH2025-katalogue (August 2016 - January 2017)

4) Dialogue and consultation on the collective draft of the RESEARCH2025-catalogue (January - March 2017)

5) Consolidation and description of Danish prerequisites (March - May 2017)


Document Actions

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024