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Thousands land a spot on their dream study programme

July 30, 2018
On July 28, 64,943 young people received word that they had been accepted to a higher education programme. Congratulations – now it's time to live out the dream, came the message from Tommy Ahlers.

On July 28, thousands of young applicants found out that they had been accepted to an education programme of their choice. The overall admittance total for this year tallies at 64,943 students, which is just 0.3 per cent lower than last year, corresponding to a drop of 222 applicants. A full 81 per cent of those who were accepted to programmes, secured a spot on their first priority programme.

Minister for Higher Education and Science Tommy Ahlers wishes the future students all the best for having made an important choice.

- Congratulations to the many people who made an important decision to pursue a higher education programme. It opens up a lot of opportunities and the freedom to create a good life for yourself. I hope the future students will enjoy it, commit their energy to their studies, and knuckle down and fully immerse themselves, says Tommy Ahlers.

The minister encourages the students who have been accepted, to set some of the perfectionist culture aside. This culture can often characterise study programmes for some young people.

- Too many stress over being perfect and chasing A grades. But a study programme is about following your curiosity, improving yourself, and not being so nervous about trying to be perfect. If we don't dare to fail every now and again, we miss the opportunity to become wiser and innovate – and this is not only relevant for studies, but also in the work force, says Tommy Ahlers.

A total of 20,291 applicants missed out on their dream study programme. Of these, 10,526 were not accepted because they did not meet the admittance requirements for some of the programmes. The other 9,765 were rejected as there were not enough available spots on the programmes they had applied to.

- It is not a fun day for those who did not get admitted, but there is still the possibility to pursue an education programme. They could supplement their studies so they meet the admittance requirements next year. And they can also see if there is availability on a programme which is related to the one they originally applied for – for example somewhere else in the country. There are many paths to fulfilling the dream, and there is rarely one perfect choice of studies, says Tommy Ahlers.

Students who were rejected in this admittance round, can see availability on study programmes from 28 July at:

Facts: Admittance to higher education programmes

28 July: All applicants receive a response to their application. Ministry of Higher Education and Science publishes the KOT statistics at:

28 July: Available places: Programmes with available places still receiving applications can be found at:

1 September: Most programmes start (a number of programmes also have a start-up from 1 February).

October: Results of the 2nd round of admittance published and therefore the final admittance figures are tallied. Between the 1st and 2nd rounds, some applicants will reject offers while others will apply for available places.

Application and admittance 2018

There was a total of 89,759 applicants.
As of 28 July, 64,943 applicants were offered a place on a higher education programme.

Application and admittance in 2017

There was a total of 91,539 applicants.
As of 30 July, 65,165 applicants were offered a place on a higher education programme.
As of 1 October, 62,209 applicants had started a higher education programme.

For further information please contact:

Queries addressed to Minister for Higher Education and Science Tommy Ahlers: Press officer Trine Søndergaard, +45 7231 8009, tri@ufm.dk

Queries regarding statistics: Head of division Jens Storm, Analysis, Statistics and the Coordinated Admission, +45 7231 7982, jst@ufm.dk

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