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INNO+ Catalogue

INNO+ Catalogue
INNO+ exposes specific and significant societal challenges, in which there is a potential for Denmark to create innovative solutions in the short or medium term. INNO+ is part of the work on the Danish government’s innovation strategy.
: October 30, 2013
: 978-87-92776-79-2
: 978-87-92776-83-9
: The Ministry of Science, Innovation and Higher Education
: 2013
: 1
: 114

The INNO+ Catalogue identifies promising focus areas for strategic investments in innovation. The focus areas target fields where Denmark has particular industrial and research strengths and capabilities that can contribute not only to findingsolutions that address important Danish and global societal challenges, but also to creating growth and employment in Denmark. The INNO+ Catalogue contains six main thematic areas, subdivided into a total of 21 focus areas.

Finding solutions to the major societal challenges most often requires cooperation between many actors across sectors and disciplines. Each focus area in the catalogue can thus provide a framework for societal partnerships on innovation comprising companies, knowledge institutions and public authorities.

The INNO+ Catalogue emerged from a political wish to improve the basis for prioritising resources for targeted innovation efforts.

The INNO+ Catalogue is the result of an extensive process through which a wide range of stakeholders from industry and interest organisations, knowledge institutions, ministries and research councils, etc. have been involved in identifying the essential and most promising areas for strategic investments in innovation in Denmark.

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last modified September 09, 2024