Green solutions of the future - Strategy for investments in green research, technology, and innovation

: 978-87-93807-40-2
: Ministry for Higher Education and Science
: 2020
: 32
The strategy sets a clear direction for the Danish green research and innovation effort in order to accelerate the development of technologies and solutions, which can help protect our climate, nature and environment.
Research and innovation play a crucial role in attaining the ambitious climate targets of Denmark and safeguarding our nature and environment. With a new comprehensive national strategy, the government sets a long-term direction for green research, innovation, development, and demonstration accelerating the development of new green solutions and technologies.
The strategy points out four missions that focus on challenges where the need for new solutions and the potential for meeting the green objectives are the largest in Denmark as well as on a global scale. The missions are to be accomplished by green partnerships in which knowledge institutions, businesses, public authorities, and private players join forces in a strategic research and innovation effort over several years.
The goal is to enable greenhouse gas reductions and strengthen the green frontrunner position of Danish industries to the benefit of exports and green jobs in Denmark.
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