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Publications and fact sheets

Euroguidance Denmark offers information in both English and Danish. The most recent publications and fact sheets in English are listed below:

New publication on the Danish education system

Do you need an overview and knowledge of the Danish education system? Then there is help to be found in the publication ‘The Danish Education System’.

Significantly more people were given study guidance this summer

In the weeks after the process of admissions to higher education, Study and Career Guidance Denmark has offered 570% more study guidance by phone compared to 2019. The Minister for Higher Education and Science is pleased that more people have used the extended guidance service offered this year

Guidance in Education 

An updated version of the publication 'Guidance in Education' has been published. The publication provides an overview of the Danish guidance system in the educational sector.

Debate: Stop the myth of the linear life path

This article by professor at Aarhus University, Rie Thomsen and managing director of Study and Career Guidance Denmark, Mathilde Tronegård focuses on debunking the myth about a linear life path regarding education and career.

 New publication from IAEVG

The International Association for Educational and Vocational Guidance, IAEVG, has released their revised ethical guidelines

Nordic institutions are developing a new guidance concept

Guidance based on the principles of consequential pedagogy is the way forward, according to the participants of a strategic partnership spanning Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Materials for teachers, counsellors and students of pedagogy are already available online.

The future of guidance is happening on Facebook

Messenger, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn – and last but not least: Facebook. Technological development means social media is here to stay.  This undoubtedly places new demands on guidance in the future – and the question is whether social media threaten the monopoly of guidance counsellors in the future?

Guidance via Chat

When eGuidance was formed in the beginning of 2011, a national laboratory for intensive testing of the use of electronic media for guidance for educational and work-related purposes was also set up.

Career guidance in communities – four cases from Denmark

Rie Thomsen, Randi Skovhus and Rita Buhl have composed a collection of cases from Denmark concerning career guidance in communities. Euroguidance Denmark has translated the four cases into English.

The Danish Education System (2016)

The publication provides an introduction to the Danish education system spanning from primary school to youth- and higher education, as well as the advanced system of adult education and training.

Education and work (2015)

The topic of educational and vocational guidance and labour market orientation is compulsory for pupils in primary and lower secondary school.

Guidance in Education - the educational guidance system in Denmark (2014)

The publication provides an overview of the Danish guidance system in the educational sector. It describes the political objectives for guidance and the variety of guidance offers available in Denmark.

Euroguidance Denmark (2014)

The folder presents the Danish Euroguidance Centre in Danish. On the third page, the activities of the Danish national centre are presented in English. 

How private employers view graduates' qualifications and study-related stays abroad

A Danish study translated into English. The study shows that a CV that includes study and/or work abroad experience is highly valued when companies recruit new employees.     

eGuidance in Denmark (2013)

An interview with Mrs. Kirsten Hahn Larsen, Manager of eGuidance in Denmark. eGuidance is an initiative designed to increase the accessibility of guidance for all persons in Denmark seeking information on career and study options. 

Guidance of Adults in the EU (2009)

A catalogue that offers examples of European co-operation projects, which have developed new methods and materials for adult guidance. It features short descriptions of the contents and results of the projects that we hope will inspire new co-operations and projects with Danish participants. 

Principles for Ethics in Educational and Vocational Guidance (2007)

Ethics in Guidance is an English translation of the Danish ethical guidelines for educational and vocational guidance, which were developed by the Joint Council for Associations of Education and Career Counsellors (FUE) in April 2006.

Document Actions

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024