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Level 1

This page describes the learning outcomes that are expected of a learner who successfully completes a qualification at level 1. Examples of qualifications at this level are given below.

Learning outcomes


  • Must have basic knowledge within general subjects.

  • Must have basic knowledge about natural, cultural, social and political matters.


  • Must possess basic linguistic, numerical, practical and creative skills.

  • Must be able to utilise different basic methods of work.

  • Must be able to evaluate own work.

  • Must be able to present the results of own work.


  • Must be able to take personal decisions and act in simple, clear situations.

  • Must be able to work independently with pre-defined problems.

  • Must have a desire to learn and be able to enter into partly open learning situations under supervision.

European level

This level corresponds to level 2 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

Examples of qualifications at level 1

Certificate for the leaving examination of 9th class of the Folkeskole (Leaving Certificate of Primary and Lower Secondary School)


The Leaving Certificate of the Folkeskole is awarded to pupils who have completed 9th class. At the conclusion of 9th class pupils are expected to have acquired the knowledge and skills in the subjects of the Folkeskole as appear from Common Objectives.

Employment and further education

The Leaving Certificate of the Folkeskole provides access to general and vocational upper secondary education etc.

How is the certificate obtained?

Every pupil who completes 9th class receives a leaving certificate containing, among other things, the marks received in the final examinations. The final examinations comprise 7 compulsory and a number of voluntary examinations. The examinations document the degree to which the pupil fulfils the targets and requirements laid down for the individual subject.

Admission: Education is compulsory for all children living in Denmark from the pre-school class up to and including 9th class.  There is free intake to the Folkeskolen.

Who can award the certificate?

The headteacher of the school issues the Leaving Certificate in accordance with the rules of the Act on the Folkeskole and the executive order on examinations.

General adult education, level G


The certificate documents that a person has obtained a qualification in a general subject at level G. The purpose of single subject courses is to strengthen adults’ possibilities for taking further education and promoting their interest in educating themselves. General adult education is offered as teaching in single subjects which concludes with tests and an examination in accordance with the national standard. .

Employment and further education

Certificates for single subject courses at level G can give admission to teaching at higher levels in general adult education and to study programmes where the admission requirement is level G or the Leaving Examination of the Folkeskole (primary and lower secondary school).

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate can be obtained by completing a subject in the general adult education programme. The certificate can also be obtained through an assessment of prior learning.

Admission: On the basis of the applicant’s qualifications, the educational institution decides whether the person in question can be admitted to subjects in general adult education and at which level.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the educational institution that offers the programme.

Preparatory Adult Education – reading part 1


The certificate documents that the participant can make use of reading and spelling techniques based on phonetic units, find a word’s root morpheme  in well known vocabulary, recognise frequently occurring irregular words,  find simple information in everyday texts, read simple, coherent texts and write short texts for own use.

 Employment and further education

Part 1 leads to instruction part 2, and constitutes a part of the reading proficiency requirements that are a precondition for employment and education in accordance with OECD recommendations.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by completing a Preparatory Adult Education course part 1. It is possible to be an independent student.

Admission: Everyone over the age of 18 with the learning prerequisites to benefit from the instruction can be admitted. Young people under the age of 18 can be admitted when, in combination with General Adult Education, they follow education under the Act on Adult Vocational Training, are in a job that follows General Adult Education aimed at enterprises, or follow teaching at educational institutions under the Prison Service. Participation requires a preliminary test to determine which General Adult Education course is the right one.

 Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the Adult Education Centre responsible for the geographical catchment area to which the educational institution belongs.

Preparatory Adult Education – reading part 2


The certificate documents that the participant can utilise context-dependent sound sequencing rules, is familiar with the word classes noun, verb and adjective and their inflection, utilise a reading technique based on morphemes, recognise loanwords that occur in everyday texts, write coherent texts and read coherent texts with reasonable speed and comprehension

Employment and further education

Part 2 leads to instruction part 3, and constitutes a part of the reading proficiency requirements that are a precondition for employment and education in accordance with OECD recommendations.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by completing a Preparatory Adult Education course part 2. It is possible to be an independent student.

Admission: Everyone over the age of 18 with the learning prerequisites to benefit from the instruction can be admitted. Young people under the age of 18 can be admitted when, in combination with General Adult Education, they follow education under the Act on Adult Vocational Training, are in a job that follows General Adult Education aimed at enterprises, or follow teaching at educational institutions under the Prison Service. Participation requires a preliminary test to determine which General Adult Education course is the right one.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the Adult Education Centre responsible for the geographical catchment area to which the educational institution belongs

Preparatory Adult Education – reading part 3


The certificate documents that the participant is familiar with advanced sound sequencing rules in Danish, rules that the same semantic unit is spelled the same way in different words, (the sign/consonant principle), the meaning and spelling of irregular words of non-Danish origin (loanwords), sentence structure and the grammatical correlation of words, different types of texts and their characteristics. In addition, the participant can utilise different reading strategies in relation to the object of reading and type of text, assess the benefit of reading on the basis of a certain reading objective, and utilise knowledge of text types and of sender/receiver relationships when formulating different texts.

Employment and further education

Part 3 leads to instruction part 4, and constitutes a part of the reading proficiency requirements that are a precondition for employment and education in accordance with OECD recommendations.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by completing a Preparatory Adult Education course part 3. It is possible to be an independent student.

Admission: Everyone over the age of 18 with the learning prerequisites to benefit from the instruction can be admitted. Young people under the age of 18 can be admitted when, in combination with General Adult Education, they follow education under the Act on Adult Vocational Training, are in a job that follows General Adult Education aimed at enterprises, or follow teaching at educational institutions under the Prison Service. Participation requires a preliminary test to determine which General Adult Education course is the right one.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the Adult Education Centre responsible for the geographical catchment area to which the educational institution belongs

Preparatory Adult Education – reading part 4


The certificate documents that the participant can read spell and pronounce relevant words within the participant’s professional area or area of interest, extract important elements from a technical description and communicate a technical content in writing.

In addition, the participant has knowledge of: relevant non-Danish semantic units (morphemes), the meaning of relevant technical terms, the structure and composition of texts in textbooks as well as tools, methods and activities to promote the benefit of studies.

Employment and further education

From the point of view of skills, part 4 corresponds to General Adult Education level G and constitutes a part of the reading proficiency requirements that are a precondition for employment and education in accordance with OECD recommendations.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by completing a Preparatory Adult Education course part 4. It is possible to be an independent student.

Admission: Everyone over the age of 18 with the learning prerequisites to benefit from the instruction can be admitted. Young people under the age of 18 can be admitted when, in combination with General Adult Education, they follow education under the Act on Adult Vocational Training, are in a job that follows General Adult Education aimed at enterprises, or follow teaching at educational institutions under the Prison Service. Participation requires a preliminary test to determine which General Adult Education course is the right one.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the Adult Education Centre responsible for the geographical catchment area to which the educational institution belongs

Preparatory Adult Education – mathematics part 1


The certificate documents that the participant can: decode, assess and compare numerical data, numbers and codes, read and understand information in simple tables, compare, order and round off figures and quantities, , estimate numbers as well as distances, heights, capacities, weight and time on the basis of a sense of measures (cm/m; dl/l; g/kg; sec /min), add, subtract, multiply and divide whole figures and decimal numbers with terms, and evaluate/check the result with or without aids,  count and measure precisely and by estimating calculate number, length, height and distance, weight, materials, time and amounts, convert measures for length (cm/m), weight (g/kg), time (min/hour and day/week) and capacity units (dl/l) and set up equations for dealing with simple, quantifiable questions.

Employment and further education

Part 1 leads to instruction part 2, and constitutes a part of the fundamental skills requirements that generally are a precondition for employment and education.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by completing a Preparatory Adult Education course part 1. It is possible to be an independent student.

Admission: Everyone over the age of 18 with the learning prerequisites to benefit from the instruction can be admitted. Young people under the age of 18 can be admitted when, in combination with General Adult Education, they follow education under the Act on Adult Vocational Training, are in a job that follows General Adult Education aimed at enterprises, or follow teaching at educational institutions under the Prison Service. Participation requires a preliminary test to determine which General Adult Education course is the right one

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the Adult Education Centre responsible for the geographical catchment area to which the educational institution belongs

Preparatory Adult Education – mathematics part 2


The certificate documents that the participant can: decode, compare and assess specifications of length, area and capacity; measure and calculate area and capacity (precisely and by estimating); recognise and draw geometrical figures (triangle, rectangle. circle); convert in the metric system in relevant contexts, read and understand information in simple tables and graphs; collect and process data using simple statistical methods; be aware of whether the data are representative; read and understand statements of chance and risk; calculate with and assess ratios and percentages in relevant contexts; utilise simple mathematical conventions used in relevant further education; and set up equations for dealing with simple, quantifiable questions.

Employment and further education

From the point of view of skills, part 2 corresponds to General Adult Education level G and constitutes a part of the fundamental skills requirements that generally are a precondition for employment and education.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by completing a Preparatory Adult Education course part 2. It is possible to be an independent student.

Admission: Everyone over the age of 18 with the learning prerequisites to benefit from the instruction can be admitted. Young people under the age of 18 can be admitted when, in combination with General Adult Education, they follow education under the Act on Adult Vocational Training, are in a job that follows General Adult Education aimed at enterprises, or follow teaching at educational institutions under the Prison Service. Participation requires a preliminary test to determine which General Adult Education course is the right one.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the Adult Education Centre responsible for the geographical catchment area to which the educational institution belongs

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified January 31, 2025