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Levels in the Qualifications Framework

Below you can find a description of each level in the Danish Qualifications Framework.

Each level in the Qualifications Framework is associated with a level descriptor. The level descriptors express learning outcomes in terms of knowledge, skills and competence.

The level descriptors are formulated so as to accommodate very different degrees and certificates in the Danish education system, from the more theoretically to the more practically oriented.  

Get the description of a particular level by clicking on that level below.

See which programmes lead to a particular level by clicking on the link under the level description below.

Level descriptions

Level 1


Must have basic knowledge within general subjects.

Must have basic knowledge about natural, cultural, social and political matters.

Must possess basic linguistic, numerical, practical and creative skills.

Must be able to utilise different basic methods of work.

Must be able to evaluate own work.

Must be able to present the results of own work.

Must be able to take personal decisions and act in simple, clear situations.

Must be able to work independently with pre-defined problems. 

Must have a desire to learn and be able to enter into partly open learning situations under supervision.

More about level 1

Level 2


Must have basic knowledge in general subjects or specific areas within an occupational area or field of study.

Must have understanding of the basic conditions and mechanisms of the labour market.

Must be able to apply fundamental methods and tools for solving simple tasks while observing relevant regulations.

Must be able to correct for faults or deviations from a plan or standard.

Must be able to present and discuss the results of own work.

Must be able to take personal decisions and act in simple, clear situations.

Must be able to undertake a certain amount of responsibility for the development of forms of work and to enter into uncomplicated group processes.

Must be able to enter into partly open learning situations and seek guidance and supervision.

More about level 2

Level 3


Must have knowledge of basic methodology and norms within an occupational area or field of study.

Must have understanding of own possibilities for influence on the labour market and in society.

Must be able to perform practical work assignments within an occupational area or field of study.

Must be able to solve professional problems.

Must be able to search for and assess information relevant to a practical work assignment within an occupational area or field of study.

Must be able to use professional terminology in communications with colleagues, fellow students and users.

Must be able to take responsibility for defined work processes.

Must be able to enter into interdisciplinary cooperation within the practice of an occupation or field of study. 

Must be able to participate actively in learning situations within an occupation or field of study.

Level 4


Must have knowledge of concepts, principles and processes within the practice of an occupation or field of study or in general subjects.

Must have understanding of the relations between professional problems and social/international conditions.

Must be able to select and apply relevant tools, methodologies, techniques and materials within an occupational area or a field of study.

Must be able to identify a practical and/or theoretical problem.

Must be able to assess the quality of own and others’ work in relation to a given standard.

Must be able to utilise the terminology of an occupation or field of study in communication with collaboration partners and users.

Must be able to take responsibility for work processes in normally predictable work or study situations.

Must be able to plan and take responsibility for own and joint work processes and results.

Must be able to search for further education and training and professional development in structured learning environments.

More about level 4

Level 5


Must have knowledge of practice, and application of methodology and theory in an occupational area or field of study.

Must have understanding of practice and/or the most important theories and methodologies used and be able to understand the utilisation of these within an occupation.

Must be able to utilise and combine a comprehensive set of skills connected with the practice and work processes of an occupation or field of study.

Must be able to assess practice-related problems and adjust work procedures and processes.

Must be able to communicate practice-related problems and possible solutions to collaboration partners and users.

Must be able to enter into development oriented and/or interdisciplinary work processes.

Must be able to undertake defined management and planning functions in relation to the practice of an occupation or field of study.

Must be able to identify and develop own possibilities for continued further education and training in different learning environments.

More about level 5

Level 6


Must have knowledge of theory, methodology and practice within a profession or one or more fields of study.

Must be able to understand and reflect on theories, methodology and practice.

Must be able to apply the methodologies and tools of one or more fields of study and to apply skills related to work within the field/fields of study or a profession.

Must be able to assess theoretical and practical problems and to substantiate and select relevant solutions.

Must be able to communicate professional issues and solutions to peers and non-specialists as well as to collaboration partners and users.

Must be able to handle complex and development oriented situations in study or work contexts.

Must be able to independently participate in professional and interdisciplinary collaboration with a professional approach.

Must be able to identify own learning needs and to organise own learning in different learning environments.

More about level 6

Level 7


Must have knowledge within one or more fields of study that, in selected fields, is based on the highest international research within a field of study.

Must able to understand and, on a scientific basis, reflect on the knowledge of the field/fields of study and be able to identify scientific issues.

Must master the scientific methodologies and tools of the field/fields of study as well as master general skills related to work within the field/fields of study.

Must be able to assess and select from among the scientific theories, methodologies, tools and general skills of the field/fields of study and to set up new models of analysis and problem solving on a scientific basis.

Must be able to communicate research-based knowledge and discuss professional and scientific issues with both academic peers and non-specialists.

Must be able to manage work and development situations that are complex, unpredictable and require new solutions.

Must able to independently initiate and implement professional and interdisciplinary cooperation and take on professional responsibility.

Must be able to independently take responsibility for own professional development and specialisation.

More about level 7

Level 8


Must have knowledge at the highest international level within the field of research.

Must have made a significant contribution to the development of new knowledge and understanding in the field of research and on the basis of scientific studies.

Must master the scientific theories, methods and tools as well as other skills connected with research and development within the area.

Must be able to analyse, evaluate and develop new ideas, including designing and developing new techniques and skills in the field of study.

Must be able to participate in international discussions in the field of study and to disseminate research results and progress to a wider public.

Must be able to organise and conduct research and development tasks in complex and unpredictable contexts.

Must be able to independently initiate and enter into national and international cooperation on research and development with scientific integrity.

Must be able independently to initiate research and development projects and through this generate new knowledge and new skills that develop the field of research.

More about level 8


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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024