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Level 4

This page describes the learning outcomes that are expected of a learner who successfully completes a qualification at level 4. You will also find a link to courses leading to level 4 and examples of qualifications at this level.

Learning outcomes


  • Must have knowledge of concepts, principles and processes within the practice of an occupation or field of study or in general subjects.

  • Must have understanding of the relations between professional problems and social/international conditions.


  • Must be able to select and apply relevant tools, methodologies, techniques and materials within an occupational area or a field of study.

  • Must be able to identify a practical and/or theoretical problem.

  • Must be able to assess the quality of own and others’ work in relation to a given standard.

  • Must be able to utilise the terminology of an occupation or field of study in communication with collaboration partners and users.


  • Must be able to take responsibility for work processes in normally predictable work or study situations.

  • Must be able to plan and take responsibility for own and joint work processes and results.

  • Must be able to search for further education and training and professional development in structured learning environments.

European level

This level corresponds to level 4 of the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).

Courses leading to Level 4

On the website UddannelsesGuiden (the Education Guide) – ug.dk – you can find information about the individual education programmes

Examples of qualifications at level 4

Retail study programmes with specialisations


The certificate documents that a person has obtained a qualification as a sales assistant. A sales assistant can perform sales and operational functions in the area of retail enterprises, specialised tasks in retail enterprises’ trade and range areas, work functions and various categories of shops, as well as value-creating assignments in the fields of customers, goods, information and cash flows.

Employment and further education

The certificate leads to employment in almost all shops and chains. The certificate provides access to academy profession programmes at level 5 if the special admission requirements to the programmes are fulfilled, e.g. the Academy Profession Degree in Retail Management and the Academy Profession Degree in Marketing Management.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by completing and passing the retail study programme with a specialisation. This is a dual VET-programme with internship periods and vocational college based periods. The programme concludes with an examination on the basis of a project that was completed in the enterprise where the internship was held. The award of the certificate presupposes that the pupil has received a passing mark as the average of marks for all special subjects in the main course and has achieved a passing mark in the examination.

Admission: Everyone who has fulfilled compulsory education in accordance with the Act on the Folkeskole (primary and lower secondary school ) has access to vocational education and training; in addition, from step 1 of the ”Sales assistant programme”. The pupil’s personal education plan is drawn up on the basis of an assessment of prior learning.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the trade committee for retailing programmes

Bricklayer programme


The certificate documents that a person has obtained a qualification as a bricklayer. A bricklayer can plan, perform and manage the quality of bricklaying, rendering, pointing, tiling, laying floors, restoration, renovation and roofing according to the rules, standards and traditions of the trade. In addition, a bricklayer can cooperate in all phases of building projects with customers, the construction management and colleagues within the trade and cross-functionally.

Employment and further education

The certificate leads to employment in small building enterprises and large and medium-sized contracting companies. The certificate provides direct access to the building technology programme (academy profession programme at level 5) and the architectural technology and construction management programme (bachelor programme at level 6).

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by successfully completing the bricklayer programme. This is a dual VET-programme with internship periods and vocational college based periods The study programme concludes with an examination, which simultaneously constitutes a journeyman’s test and consists of a theoretical and a practical part. The award of the certificate presupposes that the pupil has received a passing mark in both the written and the practical examination and in each basic, area and special subject.

Admission: Everyone who has fulfilled compulsory education in accordance with the Act on the Folkeskole (primary and lower secondary school) has access to vocational education and training; in addition from level 1 of the Tiler study programme. The pupil’s personal education plan is drawn up on the basis of an assessment of prior learning.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the trade committee for the bricklayer, stonemason and plasterer trade.

Certificate for the three-year upper secondary education programme

The Upper Secondary School Leaving Examination, the Higher Commercial Examination and the Higher Technical Examination.


The certificate documents that the pupil has successfully completed an upper secondary education programme with the following objectives: to prepare the pupils for higher education, including the acquisition of a liberal education, to develop academic insight and study competence, to become familiar with utilising different forms of work, and to achieve the ability to function in a study environment; to teach them to relate to their surroundings and their own development with reflection and responsibility as well as to develop their creative and innovative skills and their critical sense ; to prepare them for participatory democracy, co-responsibility, rights and duties in a society with freedom and democracy, including providing them with the prerequisites for active participation in a democratic society etc.

The certificate documents the subjects and courses the pupil has followed as part of his or her upper secondary education and the results obtained, stated in the form of end of year marks and, where applicable, examination marks.

Employment and further education

The certificate provides the possibility of applying for admission to higher education.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by successfully completing an upper secondary examination. An upper secondary education is a three-year post-compulsory education course targeted at young people interested in knowledge, in-depth studies, putting things into perspective and abstraction. The programme comprises one whole and concludes with an examination in accordance with the national standard.

Admission: Admission is conditional on the completion of the 9th or 10th class of the Folkeskole (the municipal primary and lower secondary school ) and participation in the final examinations.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the school offering the programme.

Certificate for the two-year upper secondary programme (the Higher Preparatory Examination)


The certificate documents that the pupil has successfully completed a Higher Preparatory programme with the following objectives: to prepare the pupils for higher education, including the acquisition of a liberal education, to develop academic insight and study competence, to become familiar with utilising different forms of work, and to achieve the ability to function in a study environment; to teach them to relate to their surroundings and their own development with reflection and responsibility as well as to develop their creative and innovative skills and their critical sense; to prepare them for participatory democracy, co-responsibility, rights and duties in a society with freedom and democracy, including providing them with the prerequisites for active participation in a democratic society etc.

The certificate documents the subjects and courses the pupil has followed as part of his or her higher preparatory education and the results obtained, stated in the form of examination marks.

Employment and further education

The certificate provides the possibility of applying for admission to higher education.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained as a result of having successfully completed a higher preparatory programme. This is a two-year post-compulsory education course targeted at young people interested in knowledge, in-depth studies, putting things into perspective and abstraction. The programme comprises one whole and concludes with an examination in accordance with the national standard.

Admission: Admission is conditional on the completion of the 10th class of the Folkeskole (the municipal primary and lower secondary school and participation in the fixed final examinations or a general preparatory examination with the subjects of Danish D or Danish as a second language, D, mathematics D, English D as well as 2 subjects at level G: natural science and either history, social science, French or German.

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the school offering the programme.

Certificate for upper secondary education (Higher Preparatory Examination, single subject course)


The certificate documents which higher preparatory examination single subjects the pupil has followed and the result, stated in the form of examination marks.

Employment and further education

The certificate provides the possibility of applying for admission to higher education.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by passing the examination for a higher preparatory examination single subject course. The Higher Preparatory Examination, single subject courses are an educational service for adults who are interested in knowledge, in-depth studies, putting things into perspective and abstraction. The Higher Preparatory Examination, single subject courses correspond to the subject in the Higher Preparatory Examination. Each subject concludes with an examination. The subjects can be collected to form a full Higher Preparatory Examination in accordance with the national standard. A certificate for single subjects can also be obtained by means of an assessment of prior learning.

Admission: Admission is conditional on the completion of the 10th class of the Folkeskole (the municipal primary and lower secondary school and participation in the fixed final examinations or similar qualifications

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is issued by the school offering the programme.

Certificate for upper secondary education (supplementary examination single subject courses at upper secondary level)

Certificate for upper secondary education (supplementary examination single subject courses at upper secondary level) at level 4


The certificate documents which supplementary single subject courses the pupil has followed and the result, stated in the form of examination marks.

Employment and further education

The certificate provides the possibility of applying for admission to higher education.

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is obtained by passing the examination for a supplementary single subject course (supplementary examination single subject course at upper secondary level). Supplementary examination single subject courses are a service for young people with an upper secondary school background who need to supplement their education with one or more subjects in order to gain admission to a certain education programme. The individual subjects conclude with an examination. The certificate for upper secondary supplementary courses can also be obtained by means of an assessment of prior learning.

Admission: Admission is conditional on the completion of an upper secondary programme or a VET combined with subject at level C.

Who can award the certificate? 

The certificate is issued by the school offering the programme.

Adult Vocational Training Certificate at level 4 (KHRU): Service in institutional kitchens - "the customer at the centre" (46501)


The certificate documents that the participant can enter proactively into the work of offering “good service” to users with a starting point in the users’ needs and expectations concerning nutrition, diet and meals. The participants can contribute to improving the institutional kitchen’s level of service and making it visible to the users, and they can demonstrate service- minded behaviour in agreement with the enterprise’s values and policies in the area. The participants can provide advice and guidance in cooperation with other personnel groups concerning nutrition, diet and meals, in order to accommodate the users’ needs and expectations to the best possible extent. The participants can communicate both orally and in writing with the users and other personnel groups with an ”appreciative approach” and can analyse the communication used in the dialogue.

Employment and further education

The certificate allows the participant to undertake job functions in enterprises/organisations that employ skilled and/or unskilled workers within the area aimed at by the adult vocational training programme and which is described in the programme’s objectives. Persons with this qualification certificate have the possibility in a number of areas of having the certificate recognised in the course of admission to a vocational education and training programme (merit).

How is the certificate obtained?

The certificate is awarded following an assessment of whether the participant has achieved the objectives of the adult vocational training programme. In the case of programmes that conclude with an examination, the certificate can also be awarded to persons who have not taken part in the teaching but have taken the examination. Finally, the certificate can be awarded on the basis of an assessment of prior learning (individual competence assessment in adult vocational training).

Who can award the certificate?

The certificate is awarded by public and private educational institutions approved by the Ministry of Children and Education to offer the adult vocational training programme.


See also:

Document Actions

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024