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Overview of types of certificates and degrees

The list on this page shows all of the different types of certificates and degrees and their levels in the Qualifications Framework.


  • Degrees and certificates
  • Certificates for supplementary qualifications

Degrees and certificates

Compulsory school and 10th class

Certificate for the 9th class Leaving Examination of the Folkeskole (Primary and Lower Secondary School) (level 1 in the Qualifications Framework)

The certificate for the 9th class leaving examination of the Folkeskole is awarded to pupils who complete 9th class. At the end of 9th class the pupils must take a number of compulsory examinations, and they can also choose to take some other voluntary examinations. The Leaving Examination of the Folkeskolen documents the degree to which the pupil fulfils the objectives and requirements laid down for each subject in the 9th class of the Folkeskolen. The provisions concerning the final examinations of the Folkeskolen apply to all types of schools that hold the final examination of the Folkeskolen.

Certificate for the 10th class of the Folkeskole (Primary and Lower Secondary School) (level 2 in the Qualifications Framework)

The certificate for the 10th class of the Folkeskole is awarded to pupils who complete 10th class. 10th class is an optional extra year for pupils who need further academic qualification and clarity concerning their choice of continuing in general or vocational upper secondary education. The examinations in 10th class are voluntary. The pupils may choose to take 10th class examination in one or more subjects and/or take one or more of the Folkeskole's 9th class final examinations.

General upper secondary school programmes (level 4 in the Qualifications Framework)

Certificate for three-year general upper secondary school programmes

Certificates for the three-year general upper secondary school programmes are awarded to pupils who have successfully completed an upper general upper secondary education. Passing presupposes the fulfilment of the attendance requirement and fulfilling requirements concerning the mark average. The marks comprise marks for the entire year in each subject and marks for a minimum of 10 examinations plus a specialised study project.

Certificate for the two-year general upper secondary school programme (Higher Preparatory Examination)

Certificates for the two-year general upper secondary school programme (Higher Preparatory Examination) are awarded to participants who have successfully completed such a programme. Passing presupposes the fulfilment of the attendance requirement and fulfilling requirements concerning the mark average. The marks comprise marks for a minimum of 11 examinations as well as a major written assignment.

Vocational education and training (levels 3-5 in the Qualifications Framework)

Certificate/journeyman’s certificate for vocational education and training programmes (VET)

Certificates/journeyman’s certificates for vocational education and training programmes are awarded to students who have successfully completed a VET-programme. These programmes are dual VET-programmes and consist of both school-based teaching and internship at a public or private enterprise. The programmes typically take 2-4 years to complete. The final examination in most of the VET programmes is a combination of project work with a practical content and a theoretical examination. During their programmes, the pupils also study basic subjects such as Danish, English and mathematics. These subjects usually conclude with oral examinations. 

See examples of certificates for the different types of VET programmes at these levels:

Certificates for maritime programmes at levels 3 to 5

Certificates for maritime education and training programmes at levels 3 to 5 are aimed at both young people who have completed compulsory education and people with experience from the maritime area. The certificates can lead to employment on a passenger ship or in the merchant navy or to jobs as self-employed, for example in fishing.

See examples of certificates for different types of maritime programmes at these levels:

Academy Profession degrees and VVU degrees (level 5 in the Qualifications Framework)

Academy Profession degrees (AP)

Academy Profession degrees are awarded to students who have successfully completed an AP programme. An AP programme is standardised at 90, 120 or 150 ECTS. The programmes comprise independent, rounded-off courses covering both theory and practice. Admission is conditional on a successfully completed general or vocational upper secondary education as well as the fulfilment of specific requirements related to subjects. 

VVU degree (within the adult higher education system)

The VVU degree is awarded to adults who have successful completed a further education programme for adults that is standardised at 60 ECTS. The programmes comprise independent, rounded-off courses taking their point of departure in the participants’ work practice and applied theory. Admission is conditional on a successfully completed vocational or general upper secondary education or equivalent adult education as well as two years’ relevant professional experience. 

Bachelor's and diploma degrees (level 6 in the Qualifications Framework)

Bachelor's degree

The bachelor's degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed a research-based bachelor study programme at a university. A bachelor's programme is standardised at 180 ECTS. A bachelor's programme comprises an independent, rounded-off course of study that is organised in such a way that the student has the option of continuing studying at master level or continuing into working life. The bachelor programme is built up of subjects from one or more areas. Bachelor's programmes that consist of one central subject area must be combined with an elective outside of the central subject area. 

Professional bachelor's degree

The professional bachelor degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed a professional bachelor's programme. A professional bachelor's programme is a medium-cycle professional-oriented higher education standardised at 180, 210 or 240 ECTS. The programmes consist of theory and practice and constitute independent, rounded-off courses of study. A professional bachelor's degree is most often targeted at a specific profession or type of job.

Bachelor's degree in fine arts

A bachelor degree in fine arts is awarded to students who have successfully completed a bachelor's programme in the area of architecture, design, art, film, theatre, music or dance. A bachelor's programme in fine arts is a medium-cycle higher education programme in fine arts subjects and admission is conditional on passing an entrance examination.

Maritime professional bachelor's degree

A maritime professional bachelor's degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed a maritime bachelor's programme. A maritime bachelor's programme is a medium-cycle higher education programme that takes between 3 and 4½ years (between 180 and 270 ECTS) depending on the student’s educational background.

Diploma degree

A diploma degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed a diploma programme. A diploma programme is a medium-cycle higher education programme for adults with professional experience. The participants’ professional experience forms the basis for close interaction between theory and practice. A diploma programme is modular and has a total scope of 60 ECTS or 1 full-time equivalent. Admission requires a qualifying examination (certificates for completed upper secondary education) and a minimum of two years’ relevant vocational experience following the qualifying examination.

Master’s degrees (level 7 in the Qualifications Framework)

Master’s degree (Candidatus)

The Master’s (Candidatus) degree is awarded to students who have successfully completed a research-based Master’s (Candidatus) programme at a university. These programmes are standardised at 120 ECTS. The programmes are independent, rounded off-courses of study that develop the knowledge, proficiency and insight gained by the student during the bachelor programme, and they qualify for admission to a PhD programme.

Master’s degree (within the adult further education system)

The Master’s degree (within the adult further education system) is awarded to adult students who have successfully completed a research-based master’s programme within further adult education at a university. The programmes are targeted at adults who already have a higher education at bachelor level at minimum. The programmes are typically standardised at 60 ETCS and are organised at part-time studies usually over a 2-3 year period. 

PhD degree (level 8 in the Qualifications Framework)

A PhD degree is awarded to students who have completed a PhD programme at a university or other research institution. Some PhD students– Industrial PhDs - work with a company at the same time. A PhD programme is a graduate programme that involves completing one’s own research project, which includes writing a PhD project, taking part in PhD courses, a stay abroad or at other research institutions, teaching or other form of dissemination of information.  

Certificates for supplementary qualifications

Certificates for preparatory adult education (level 1 in the Qualifications Framework)

Certificates for preparatory adult education are awarded to adults who have successfully completed a Preparatory Adult Education examination. Preparatory adult education is a service for adults who wish to become more proficient at reading, writing, spelling or calculating. Preparatory adult education consists of two subjects: reading, with four levels of 30-60 hours of 60 minutes, and mathematics, with two levels: level 1 of 30-60 hours of 60 minutes, and level 2 of 45-60 hours of 60 minutes. It is possible to take an examination after each level; these examinations are, however, voluntary. A certificate is awarded when the examination is passed. If pupils do not wish to take an examination, they will receive a certificate for participation if they have taken part in a minimum of 85 per cent of the teaching.

Certificates for general adult education (levels 1-3 in the Qualifications Framework)

General adult education is a service for adults over the age of 18 wishing to improve their proficiency in general subjects. The teaching is organized in the form of single subject courses and it is possible to take one or more subjects at the same time. The subjects are taught on five levels: basic level, level G (corresponding to 9th class), level F, level E (corresponding to 10th class) and level D. General adult education takes place at the Adult Education Centres (VUC).

See examples of General Adult Education certificates at these levels:

Higher Preparatory Examination, single subject course (level 4 in the Qualifications Framework)

Certificates for higher preparatory examination, single subjects are awarded to students who have passed an examination in the subjects. Higher Preparatory Examination, single subjects correspond to the subjects in the Higher Preparatory Examination. Higher Preparatory Examination, single subject courses are targeted at those who wish to perfect their skills in a subject or need to supplement their upper secondary education. It is possible to piece together the single subjects to form a complete Higher Preparatory Examination.

Certificates for supplementary single subject courses at upper secondary level (level 4 in the Qualifications Framework)

Certificates for supplementary single subject courses at upper secondary level are awarded to students who have passed an examination in these subjects. The upper secondary school courses are targeted at those who have completed an upper secondary school education but lack one or two subjects to be able to seek admission to a speficic study programme. All subjects conclude with an oral and/or written examination.

Certificates for basic course and single subjects at vocational education and training programmes (VET) (levels 2-5 in the Qualifications Framework)

Certificates for the basic course and certificates for single subjects at VET programmes are awarded to pupils who have successfully completed a basic course or single subjects at a vocational education and training programme.

All vocational and training programmes start with a basic course of between 10 and 60 weeks. The pupils then select their main course. Pupils conclude their main course with a project that forms the point of departure for an examination with an external examiner.

Single subjects are subjects that form part of a vocational education and training programme. The subjects forming part of a vocational education and training programme can be offered as single subjects at the vocational colleges. The period of teaching can vary from a couple of days to one year depending on the scope of the subjects.

Certificates for adult vocational training programmes (levels 2-5 in the Qualifications Framework)

Certificates for adult vocational training programmes are awarded to adults who have completed an adult vocational and training programme or, on the basis of an assessment of prior learning (individual competence assessment) have documented corresponding competences and had them recognised. Adult vocational training programmes are short labour market/sector specific courses targeted mainly at unskilled and skilled workers. The instruction is both practical and theoretical. All courses lead to a professional competence. 

See examples of Adult vocational training certificates at these levels:

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Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024