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Projects completed before 2022

This page provide a short introduction the councils previous projects completed before 2022


Scientific Advice

Scientific advice for decision-makers is one way research and research results are translated into benefits for society. The COVID-19 crisis demonstrated how crucial it is for society to have access to skilled researchers from various disciplines who can advise on how to best manage crises.


Research Funding: Changes and Consequences

Research funding is undergoing changes, with private foundations increasingly contributing. The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy (DFiR) has examined in this project what these changes mean for Danish research and society, and how to maximize the benefits of all funding sources.

Denmark’s Knowledge Trade Balance

The project aimed to provide an overview of Denmark’s international knowledge balance by highlighting, analyzing, and assessing the circulation of knowledge between Denmark and other countries.


New Technology and Technology Policy

Denmark must lead the way in the green transition needed to address global societal challenges. Many view new technology as the solution to these challenges. But how do we ensure access to the necessary technology?

Careers in Research

A research career today is very different from what it was twenty years ago. In the "Careers in Research" project, DFiR examined how career paths have changed. The council has proposed six recommendations on how to continue developing attractive and effective career paths.

Target Groups for Innovation

The public innovation promotion efforts have long been targeted at small and medium-sized enterprises. Based on the target group project, DFiR has made nine recommendations on how more organizations could benefit from these efforts.


World-Class Innovation

Things are going well: Denmark is ranked as an 'innovation leader' in the European assessment of countries' innovation capacity. However, there is potential to translate even more excellent research into innovation. The question is where to focus efforts and how?


Researcher Mobility in Focus

Researcher mobility between sectors enhances the value of collaboration between businesses and universities, and it improves both the quality and relevance of research in both sectors. The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy has examined the added value that mobile researchers and research environments create.


World-Class Knowledge

Danish research holds a leading international position in terms of research impact. The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy focuses on what has led to this position—and what Denmark needs to do to maintain it. Read more about the council’s project.

Document Actions

The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy
last modified February 03, 2025