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News from the Ministry and the agency.
Showing 1-90 of 144 results
Webinars on ESA’s Strategy 2040: Elevate the future of European Space

The European Space Agency, ESA recently published a new strategy which will lead the prioritisation and content of programmes to be presented at ESA’s ministerial meeting on 26-27 November 2025. UFS has asked ESA to present the strategy on four webinars tailored to the Danish space ecosystem.

New restrictions apply to higher education institutions

COVID-19 - and especially the new Omicron variant - is spreading with increasing rapidity throughout Denmark. In order to limit the spread of infection, new restrictions will apply to higher education institutions from Sunday 19 December 2021.

Normal everyday life in higher education from 14 June

Students and higher education institutions can return to a normal working day from 14 June. The government has entered into an agreement with a broad majority of the parliamentary parties on when the various corona restrictions will be phased out.

Further reopening of higher education on 6 May

In the Copenhagen Metropolitan Area, including North and East Zealand, the permitted general attendance ratio for students will be increased from 20 to 30 per cent on 6 May, and it will also be possible to use outdoor areas for teaching.

Updated social distancing recommendations in higher education

The updated social distancing recommendations require that from now on you are allowed to maintain a social distance of at least one metre, though maintaining a distance of two metres when possible, or when there is a particular risk of infection.

Further reopening of higher education on 21 April

Once more, higher education has been given political priority in the negotiations concerning reopening. In those parts of the country outside the Copenhagen metropolitan area the ratio of attendance for students in general will on 21 April be increased from 20 to 30 per cent.

Further restrictions within higher education in several parts of the country

From 9 December, more restrictions within higher education will be introduced in a further 20 municipalities, so that the restrictions will apply to a total of 38 municipalities in various parts of the country. Moreover, national restrictions that apply to educational institutions will be prolonged.

Extended options for SU loans are being resumed

As a result of the present COVID-19 restrictions, students are being offered a financial helping hand. This is being done by resuming the options of extended student grants and loans (SU).

Final semester students can return to seven health sciences programmes

Following the Government's announcement that certain critical health science programmes would reopen for students who are due to complete their programmes soon, the Minister for Higher Education and Science has decided that seven health sciences programmes can be reopened in a controlled manner.

Period at home extended for students and employees

The Government has decided to extended the initiatives already in place to limit the spread of COVID-19. The initiatives will be extended up to and including 13 April 2020.

Prestigious ERC grants worth DKK 112 million award to Denmark

Denmark has received six Advanced Grants from the European Research Council (ERC), which will boost independent and excellent research with DKK 112 million. It will cover research in photonic components to plant molecular biology, and digitalization to distraction.

Danish University Tops European List of Mobility Grants

The University of Copenhagen surpasses great international universities in terms of attracting skilled researchers who have been awarded an EU grant from Horizon 2020. This is reflected in the numbers for the Individual Fellowships from the European Commission where Denmark procures DKK 131 million.

A Scientific Boost for Younger Scientists

15 talented scientists have been awarded prestigious grants from the European Research Council. The funds will be used to establish research groups focused on their ground-breaking ideas. They have set a new record for the number of Starting Grants, which have been awarded to Danish scientists.

DKK 5.7 billion in EU funding for research in Denmark

A new report shows that Denmark has had great success with EU funding support. It is so successful that Denmark currently has reached its target of securing 2.5 per cent of the overall budget from the EU research and innovation programme Horizon 2020.

Scholarships at American excellence universities

Now you have the opportunity to apply for a visiting scholarship in 2018 and 2019 at MIT and selected research environments at Stanford and Berkeley. In this newsletter you can also read about Birthe Dinesen's stay at CITRIS

Denmark is a new member of the UN space committee

Denmark will now have better opportunities to follow and influence international development in the space area. The UN general assembly has unilaterally approved Denmark's membership of the UN committee for the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.

Annual meeting for chairs and heads of National STI Councils in Europe

‘Digitalization’ was the theme of the annual meeting for National Advisor Councils for STI hosted in Copenhagen, 3rd of November 2017. The overall question was how national advisory councils advice their respective governments in order to prepare Europe for the future.

Promising research talents receive prestigious European grants

Eight talented researchers in Denmark have received highly sought-after grants from the European Research Council for independent basic research. They have received DKK 90 million for new and groundbreaking research in areas such as farming ants, Greenland ice cores and yeast cell factories.

Søren Pind discussing future education cooperation between Denmark and Vietnam

Vietnam is becoming steadily more popular with Danish educational institutions, and more Danish students are expected to pursue a study programme or an internship in the country. The Minister for Higher Education and Science met with his counterpart from Vietnam to discuss future opportunities.

New action plan for ESS venture ready – what lies ahead by 2025?

Danish preparatory work is proceeding well for the European research facility European Spallation Source (ESS), which is jointly hosted by Denmark and Sweden. This is according to an advisory group in a new action plan that lays out the status of the ongoing ESS venture towards 2025.

Denmark continues to be a leading European innovator

Denmark has again been ranked second of the most innovative EU countries in the latest European Commission report. The Capital Region of Denmark (Region Hovedstaden) is one of the EU's most innovative regions.

Denmark recommended for membership of UN space committee

A joint UN committee for the peaceful use of space has recommended Denmark as a future member of the committee. Denmark will have better opportunities to follow and influence the international development in the area.

Denmark offers input for successor to Horizon 2020

The Danish Government has begun examining Danish representation of interests as part of the negotiations for the next European framework programme for research and innovation.

Anniversary event: Ten years of excellent research in Europe

Last week, the 10 year anniversary of the European Research Council (ERC) was celebrated in the Old Banquet Hall of the University of Copenhagen. The minister for the Ministry of Higher Education and Science Søren Pind participated in celebrating excellent research in Europe and Denmark.

New organisation introduced in the Ministry of Higher Education and Science

The Ministry will change its organisational set-up from 1 January 2017. The changes will result in the two existing agencies being closed down while two new will be formed: the Danish Agency for Science and Higher Education, and the Danish Agency for Institutions and Educational Grants

EU collaboration to boost Danish and European research

Great societal challenges in the areas of climate, environment and food production among others, require cross-border collaborative solutions, according to a new Danish roadmap that will help strengthen the internal European knowledge market and thereby also strengthen Danish research.

Denmark signs student exchange agreement with South Korea

The Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science and the Korean education ministry have signed a cooperative exchange agreement for higher education students. The agreement will provide students from both countries with new opportunities, allowing them to develop and expand their knowledge.

Danish efforts to attract global talents

Danish education institutions and companies are working together to brand Denmark as an attractive education and career destination. Last week they met with talented students in Brazil and China for the Denmark Days event.

Denmark among the most innovative in the EU

The European Commission's annual ranking list of innovation among the 28 member countries has just been published. Denmark is second again, but has scored even better than last year and is closing in on the top spot.

Nine researchers in Denmark receive prestigious grants from ERC

Nine researchers in Denmark have received grants from the European Research Council (ERC). The grants are awarded to relatively experienced researchers who have conducted ground-breaking research within different areas under Physical Sciences and Engineering, Life Sciences and SSH.

Denmark among top countries for R&D investment

Denmark is among the top OECD countries for investment in research and development, while Danish research is well-received internationally. Danish researchers are among the most productive and their published research receives many citations.

Logos designed for the iriss space mission

The Danish Astronaut Andreas Mogensen has today 10 October 2014 presented two new logos for his mission to the International Space Station.

Increasing numbers of students availing of Erasmus

More and more Danish students are choosing to participate in exchange and internship programmes in Europe. In 2013, 10 per cent more students availed of the EU Erasmus programme.

Denmark engages innovation cooperation with South Korea

South Korea can learn from Denmark’s experience in transferring technology from universities to small and medium-sized enterprises ( SMEs). The two countries are signing an agreement on innovation cooperation on 1 September 2014.

Copenhagen hosts world-class science

Europe’s largest scientific gathering is coming to an end. More than 4,000 scientists, students, journalists and policy-makers are packing up after six terrific days in Copenhagen filled with science and research.

Science is our best friend

In the future, we have to make a living out of knowledge and, therefore, we have to build bridges between science and the public, said the Minister for Higher Education and Science at the opening of ESOF2014.

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