I foråret 2023 indkaldte UFS i samarbejde med European Space Agency (ESA) forslag til projekter for 18 mio. kr. igennem ESA’s program for generel teknologiudvikling og modtog 12 ansøgninger. ESA har heraf valgt at igangsætte seks rumprojekter, mens endnu ét er i pipelinen.
Nyheder - Rumområdet
On 10 September a Memorandum of Understanding for the Co-programmed “Space Partnership” was signed by the newly created “SPACE association” and the European Commission. The Space partnership has been underway since 2021 and will receive 100 Meuro from Horizon Europe programme
The 2025 CASSINI Challenges are a unique opportunity for space startups and innovators to develop and scale groundbreaking solutions using EU space technologies. The competition provides funding, resources, and mentorship to help drive space-based innovations forward.
A position as Internal Research Fellowship Opportunity is open in ESA's Directorate of Human and Robotic Exploration Programmes at EAC. Can you propose and carry out research in the field of blood coagulation, hemodynamics and deep venous thrombosis in relation to microgravity and space missions?
European Space Agency (ESA) er imponeret over den høje kvalitet i de danske projekter der har ansøgt om støtte gennem kicktarter-programmet og har valgt at tildele tolv danske virksomheder kickstartkontrakter.
Following the publication of the transition pathway, focus is now on its successful co-implementation. To this end, the Commission launches this call for commitments and invites stakeholders of the ecosystem to respond to it. The call for commitments will remain open on a rolling basis.
ESA’s Arctic Weather Satellite blev sendt op den 16. august 2024 fra Vandenberg Space Force Base i Californien med en SpaceX Falcon 9 løfteraket. Fra en højde af 600 km vil den lille AWS vejrsatellit fremadrettet skulle bidrage til bedre vejrprognoser i Arktis
Join 20 of the top space startups and scaleups in Europe in the CASSINI Business Accelerator. The programme provides participants opportunities to improve their business model, grow their network and receive a seed voucher of €75,000 upon completion. Deadline for applications is September 30th.
Den 14. august 2024 modtog den danske ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen Ørstedprisen 2024 og kvitterede med en festforelæsning på Ørstedskolen i Rudkøbing på Langeland. Andreas Mogensen modtog prisen på baggrund af sit engagement i videnskab under sin seks måneder lange Huginn mission til ISS
The call is a framework to rapidly respond to new innovative ideas with the objective to exploit Earth Observation data, related capabilities and infrastructures. It is intended to support innovative developments responding to opportunities from Earth Observation. Next cut-off date: 30 September.
Aimed at early-stage ventures and innovative start-ups within the field of space resource utilization technology, ESRIC Start-up Support Programme has opened a call for project proposals focused on innovative solutions for space exploration and lunar prospecting technologies. Deadline is 31 July.
ESA is seeking ideas that can further the development of quantum or data management and processing technologies related to space. Submissions that require novel interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged. Deadline is July 5th.
In preparing the European Launcher Challenge (ELC) the European Space Agency is reaching out to European launch service providers through a Request for Information (RFI). The ELC is a unique opportunity to participate and play an important role in shaping the future of Europe’s access to space.
Danske virksomheder har nu gennem ESA’s Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) Competitiveness & Growth (C&G)-programelement mulighed for at søge tilskud til udvikling af produkter til satellittelekommunikationsmarkedet.
If you are a startup or researcher and address pioneering on-orbit experiment topics for humans in space, the 2024 Humans in Space Challenge might be for you. The challenge addresses the two topics: Critical Problems in Space and Critical Problems on Earth. The call closes June 27th.
Sign up now! University students in Denmark and other ESA member states are invited to join the ESA Academy Space Debris Training Course in Belgium, from 9 to 13 September 2024 or the Concurrent Engineering Workshop in Belgium, from 16 to 20 September 2024
One of ECSL’s most successful activities is the ESA/ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, which is open to students of all levels of study, as well as a few young professionals already working in space or space-related sectors. Applications for the 2024 edition are now open until 23 June 2024.
EarthCARE (Earth Cloud Aerosol and Radiation Explorer) satellitten blev sendt op natten til den 29. maj med en Falcon 9 løfteraket fra Vandenberg Space Force Base i Californien. Satellitten skal øge forståelsen af den rolle skyer og aerosoler spiller for temperaturreguleringen af jordens atmosfære.
Fire GSTP Element 1 kompendie aktiviteter er nu udvalgt, sådan at alle danske aktører fremover vil kunne søge disse aktiviteter via ESA-Star. Derudover er der etableret en reserveliste af aktiviteter som kan støttes, hvis en eller flere af de fire aktiviteter ikke vindes af danske ansøgere
The call is a framework to rapidly respond to new innovative ideas with the objective to exploit Earth Observation data, related capabilities and infrastructures. It is intended to support innovative developments responding to opportunities from Earth Observation. First cut-off date: 30 May.
Meet the director of the ESA Science programme, Dr. Carole Mundell, and learn about the programme, its visions, exciting missions and different ways to interact with the programme. All members of the scientific community, independent of their career stage or affiliation, are invited to attend.
Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen har øremærket 3 Meuro til at støtte innovationsprojekter fra danske virksomheder inden for satellitkommunikation og forventer at udsende et opslag senest i starten af juni. Midlerne er øremærket projekter fra danske virksomheder (industriinitierede projekter)
For tiende gang kan forskere i ESA’s medlemsstater søge om at blive ”Science Planner” for den NASA ledede IRIS mission. I alt bliver tre forskere med speciale i solfysik valgt ud fra ekspertise og foreslået observationsprogram. Ansøgninger skal sendes til ESA senest 3. juni 2024 kl. 12:00 CEST
ESA is preparing to study and develop at Phase 0 level four mission ideas selected as candidates for the Earth Explorer 12 mission: CryoRad, ECO, Hydroterra+, and Keystone. Through this Call for MAG membership, four new groups will be established, one for each candidate mission idea
Danske virksomheder kan nu gennem ESA’s BASS-program søge tilskud til demonstrationsprojekter dedikeret til udviklingen af bruger- eller kundedrevne kommercielle applikationer, der anvender mindst ét rumaktiv og som efter en vellykket afslutning af projektet er klar til at blive markedsført.
Danske virksomheder har nu gennem ESA’s Business Applications Space Solutions-program (BASS) mulighed for at søge tilskud til markedsfeasibility- og tekniske studier, såkaldte kickstartprojekter. Formålet med studiet skal være at udvikle en eller flere applikationer baseret på rumdata.
Vær med til at hylde og byde astronaut Andreas Mogensen velkommen hjem til Danmark den 29. april. Det er første gang, Andreas Mogensen er tilbage i Danmark, efter at han den 12. marts landede på Jorden efter mere end seks måneder på Den internationale rumstation, ISS
ESA is soliciting for research experiments to be implemented during a 100-day isolation and confinement study. Particular areas of interest are general crew health and wellbeing, team cohesion and performance, cognition and sleep, mood and psychological state, microbiology, stress and immune system.
Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen (UFS) udbyder nu 2,43 millioner Euro (18,1 millioner DKK). Danske forskere kan søge om ESA-midler til udvikling af videnskabelige instrumenter med ophæng i ESA Science Programmet. Ansøgningsfrist er 17. maj 2024.
The Commission is launching a call to set up and participate in an EU Space ISAC. It aims at strengthening the security and resilience of the EU space sector by developing the awareness and capabilities of its members. Companies, incl. SMEs and start-ups as well as public entities are welcome.
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