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Nyheder - Rumområdet

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Do you wish to be part of the future Moon exploration?

Aimed at early-stage ventures and innovative start-ups within the field of space resource utilization technology, ESRIC Start-up Support Programme has opened a call for project proposals focused on innovative solutions for space exploration and lunar prospecting technologies. Deadline is 31 July.

Launch your idea for on-orbit experiment topics for humans in space.

If you are a startup or researcher and address pioneering on-orbit experiment topics for humans in space, the 2024 Humans in Space Challenge might be for you. The challenge addresses the two topics: Critical Problems in Space and Critical Problems on Earth. The call closes June 27th.

Join the ESA Academy Training Programme

Sign up now! University students in Denmark and other ESA member states are invited to join the ESA Academy Space Debris Training Course in Belgium, from 9 to 13 September 2024 or the Concurrent Engineering Workshop in Belgium, from 16 to 20 September 2024

Apply now for the ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy

One of ECSL’s most successful activities is the ESA/ECSL Summer Course on Space Law and Policy, which is open to students of all levels of study, as well as a few young professionals already working in space or space-related sectors. Applications for the 2024 edition are now open until 23 June 2024.

Dansk prioritetsliste for GSTP Element 1 kompendieaktiviteter

Fire GSTP Element 1 kompendie aktiviteter er nu udvalgt, sådan at alle danske aktører fremover vil kunne søge disse aktiviteter via ESA-Star. Derudover er der etableret en reserveliste af aktiviteter som kan støttes, hvis en eller flere af de fire aktiviteter ikke vindes af danske ansøgere

Future EO-1 Segment 2 Open Call For Proposal For EO Innovation

The call is a framework to rapidly respond to new innovative ideas with the objective to exploit Earth Observation data, related capabilities and infrastructures. It is intended to support innovative developments responding to opportunities from Earth Observation. First cut-off date: 30 May.

Invitation to first ESA Science Town Hall online event on 28 May 9:30 – 12:30

Meet the director of the ESA Science programme, Dr. Carole Mundell, and learn about the programme, its visions, exciting missions and different ways to interact with the programme. All members of the scientific community, independent of their career stage or affiliation, are invited to attend.

Information om kommende opslag til ESA’s ARTES Competitiveness & Growth (C&G)

Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen har øremærket 3 Meuro til at støtte innovationsprojekter fra danske virksomheder inden for satellitkommunikation og forventer at udsende et opslag senest i starten af juni. Midlerne er øremærket projekter fra danske virksomheder (industriinitierede projekter)

Announcement of Opportunity som Science Planner til IRIS

For tiende gang kan forskere i ESA’s medlemsstater søge om at blive ”Science Planner” for den NASA ledede IRIS mission. I alt bliver tre forskere med speciale i solfysik valgt ud fra ekspertise og foreslået observationsprogram. Ansøgninger skal sendes til ESA senest 3. juni 2024 kl. 12:00 CEST

ESA Call for Earth Explorer-12 Mission Advisory Groups (MAG) is open

ESA is preparing to study and develop at Phase 0 level four mission ideas selected as candidates for the Earth Explorer 12 mission: CryoRad, ECO, Hydroterra+, and Keystone. Through this Call for MAG membership, four new groups will be established, one for each candidate mission idea

Announcement of Opportunity som Science Planner til IRIS

For tiende gang kan forskere i ESA’s medlemsstater søge om at blive ”Science Planner” for den NASA ledede IRIS mission. I alt bliver tre forskere med speciale i solfysik valgt ud fra ekspertise og foreslået observationsprogram. Ansøgninger skal sendes til ESA senest 3. juni 2024 kl. 12:00 CEST

Brug rummet-opslag: Søg støtte til udvikling af kunde- eller brugerdrevne rumdatabaserede applikationer gennem ESA’s ARTES kickstartprogram – frist for ansøgning til ESA 7. juni kl. 13:00

Danske virksomheder har nu gennem ESA’s Business Applications Space Solutions-program (BASS) mulighed for at søge tilskud til markedsfeasibility- og tekniske studier, såkaldte kickstartprojekter. Formålet med studiet skal være at udvikle en eller flere applikationer baseret på rumdata.

Andreas Mogensens hjemkomst til Danmark fejres den 29. april

Vær med til at hylde og byde astronaut Andreas Mogensen velkommen hjem til Danmark den 29. april. Det er første gang, Andreas Mogensen er tilbage i Danmark, efter at han den 12. marts landede på Jorden efter mere end seks måneder på Den internationale rumstation, ISS

Do you want to study astronauts in a 100-day isolation and confined environment?

ESA is soliciting for research experiments to be implemented during a 100-day isolation and confinement study. Particular areas of interest are general crew health and wellbeing, team cohesion and performance, cognition and sleep, mood and psychological state, microbiology, stress and immune system.

Join the European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce

Join ESA’s interdisciplinary Space Economy and Commerce network which connects individuals from the private sector, public institutions, international organisations and academia. Become a part of a vibrant community which fosters European collaboration toward the development of the space sector.

EUSPA call for Trainees

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) provides university students and graduates with a unique and first-hand experience of the workings of the EUSPA, in particular, and of the EU institutions in general.

Dansk forsker skal være med til at designe månestationen Lunar Gateway

Flere af verdens ledende rumagenturer, herunder både ESA og NASA, er gået sammen om at designe fremtidens rumstation, som de planlægger at sætte i kredsløb om Månen. Simon Vilms Pedersen fra Syddansk Universitet (SDU) skal være med til at anbefale, hvilke teknologier der bør være ombord.

Time to submit proposals for observations to be performed with CHEOPS

This 5th Announcement of Opportunity (AO-5) marks the second year of opportunities in CHEOPS' first extended mission. AO-5 opens on 12 March 2024 and will close on 25 April 2024, soliciting proposals for observations to be carried out as part of the CHEOPS Guest Observers (GO) Programme.

Andreas er vendt hjem til Jorden

Tirsdag den 12. marts 2024 vendte Andreas og hans astronaut-kollegaer hjem til jordens overflade efter næsten 200 dage i rummet. Andreas nåede at gennemføre en lang række danske og internationale videnskabelige eksperimenter, være pilot på Dragon-fartøjet og kommandør på rumstationen.

Call now open for support to development of generic space technologies

In 2024 up to 8.35 million Euro are allocated for the development of generic space technologies through ESA. Three different types activities are supported: GSTP Element 1 Compendia activities, GSTP Element 2 Make activities and funding aimed at correcting the Danish geo-return and competitiveness.

Danish HEIMDAL project selected for flight on a stratospheric balloon

Ten new student teams have been selected to participate in the Swedish-German REXUS/BEXUS programme and will develop their own experiments for a flight on a stratospheric balloon or sounding rocket. One of the selected teams is HEIMDAL from the University of Southern Denmark and Aarhus University.

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