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Nyheder - Rumområdet

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ESA's eclipse-making double satellite Proba-3 enters orbit

A pair of spacecraft were launched together with the potential to change the future of space missions. ESA’s twin Proba-3 platforms will perform precise formation flying down to a single millimetre, as if they were one single giant spacecraft. DTU Space has developed the innovative navigation system

Copernicus satellitten Sentinel-1C er nu i rummet!

Den 5. december 2024 kl. 22:20 CET blev den længe ventede Sentinel-1C opsendelse gennemført fra den europæiske rumhavn i Kourou, Fransk Guyana med en Vega-C løfteraket. Opsendelsen af Sentinel-1C var Vega-C løfterakettens såkaldte ”return to flight” efter to år med teknisk gennemgang og justering

Deltagerne på Rumkonference 2024 melder klar til samarbejde

Der var stor ros til regeringens nye nationale rumstrategi og dens ti år lange perspektiv på en netop overstået konference. Konferencen pegede især på de kompetente danske rumaktørers veletablerede samarbejde som et yderst vigtigt aktiv og en forudsætning for at få gennemført strategien.

Join ESA’s Space Resources Challenge

Space Resources Challenge is an opportunity for innovators to pioneer the technologies that will help humankind live and work sustainably on the Moon. It was launched by the European Space Agency, Luxembourg Space Agency and their European Space Resources Innovation Centre (ESRIC) on 1 November

Danmark underskriver Artemis Accords

Den 13. november underskrev uddannelses- og forskningsminister Christina Egelund og den amerikanske ambassadør til Danmark Alan Leventhal Artemis-aftalerne. Dermed tilslutter Danmark sig de 47 andre lande, der har underskrevet aftalerne før Danmark, herunder Indien, Japan og 18 EU-lande.

Annual conference on commercial space exploration 2024

This year, the annual conference of commercial space exploration, held in Luxemburg, will feature keynotes on LEO and Lunar Economy and panel discussions on Space Resources and Exploration-enabling markets.

GALILEO and EGNOS User Satisfaction Survey 2024

The European Union Agency for the Space Programme (EUSPA) invites you to share your feedback on Galileo and EGNOS in the 2024 User Satisfaction Survey. Your input is vital to help improve these services.

What does Denmark's future in space look like?

The annual national space conference in Aarhus on 26–27 November 2024 is being held at a time of significant changes in the space sector. Register now at a reduced price! The question is how Denmark can become part of this development.

Space Safety Industry Day 2024

ESA invites industry to Space Safety Industry Day 2024 at ESOC in Darmstadt on the 28th November 2024. At the industry day there will be an introduction to existing and new opportunities within the Space Safety Programme.

Don’t miss the most important space conference of the year in Denmark!

One of the hottest topics on the 2024 National Space Conference will be the upcoming strategy for space research, innovation, and technology from the Minister of Higher Education and Science. A strategy that may become the framework for Denmark’s engagement in the space sector for the next 10 years

Andreas Mogensen besøger Færøerne og sætter fokus på rummet

I denne uge besøger den danske ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen Færøerne. Med besøget sætter Andreas Mogensen fokus på STEM-uddannelser, rumteknologi og på rummets potentiale for erhvervslivet i Rigsfællesskabet. DTU Space har været med til at organisere besøget og deltager med to eksperter.

Udmøntning af midler under GSTP programmet i 2023

I foråret 2023 indkaldte UFS i samarbejde med European Space Agency (ESA) forslag til projekter for 18 mio. kr. igennem ESA’s program for generel teknologiudvikling og modtog 12 ansøgninger. ESA har heraf valgt at igangsætte seks rumprojekter, mens endnu ét er i pipelinen.

A new European Space Partnership is born

On 10 September a Memorandum of Understanding for the Co-programmed “Space Partnership” was signed by the newly created “SPACE association” and the European Commission. The Space partnership has been underway since 2021 and will receive 100 Meuro from Horizon Europe programme

Transition pathway for the Aerospace ecosystem: open call for commitments

Following the publication of the transition pathway, focus is now on its successful co-implementation. To this end, the Commission launches this call for commitments and invites stakeholders of the ecosystem to respond to it. The call for commitments will remain open on a rolling basis.

Ørstedprisen 2024 gik til Andreas Mogensen

Den 14. august 2024 modtog den danske ESA astronaut Andreas Mogensen Ørstedprisen 2024 og kvitterede med en festforelæsning på Ørstedskolen i Rudkøbing på Langeland. Andreas Mogensen modtog prisen på baggrund af sit engagement i videnskab under sin seks måneder lange Huginn mission til ISS

Future EO-1 Segment 2 Open Call For Proposal For EO Innovation

The call is a framework to rapidly respond to new innovative ideas with the objective to exploit Earth Observation data, related capabilities and infrastructures. It is intended to support innovative developments responding to opportunities from Earth Observation. Next cut-off date: 30 September.

Do you wish to be part of the future Moon exploration?

Aimed at early-stage ventures and innovative start-ups within the field of space resource utilization technology, ESRIC Start-up Support Programme has opened a call for project proposals focused on innovative solutions for space exploration and lunar prospecting technologies. Deadline is 31 July.

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