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Konference JPI A healthy diet for a healthy life

30. marts 2012
The first annual conference of the JPI "A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life" will take place on the 14th of June 2012 in The Hague, Netherlands

Nyhed fra Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation

Please make a note in your agenda!

The conference will bring together important stakeholders in the health and nutrition sector like policy makers, scientists, industry an Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs), in order to further develop the strategic research agenda and to support implementation.

The Conference will have a plenary part with the attendance of key note speakers. The second part of the conference will be a series of parallel interactive workshops which will focus on the three indicated research area’s and horizontal issues.

As soon as we received all required confirmations, we will resend invitations and announcements. Detailed information will be available on this website.

During the first annual conference in June 2012 the JPI HDHL will present its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). The JPI conducted an online consultation, which is closed since the 15th of December 2012.

A draft version of the SRA is available here:

We are looking forward to meeting you in June 2012!
For further information:

The 1st HDHL Conference

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