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Se minister Morten Østergaards tale til prisoverrækkelse i Düsseldorf den 17. april

16. april 2012
Den danske virksomhed TEGnology modtager på den 17. april innovationsprisen fra det tyske bilproducentnetværk NoAE på en konference i Düsseldorf. I denne anledning sender minister Morten Østergaard en lykønskning til konferencen, som man kan se her.

Nyhed fra Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation

Minister Morten Østergaards tale til Network of Automotive Excellence konference den 17. april 2012:

Udskrift af talen:

In Denmark we put strong emphasis on collaborative relations to Germany. We are already witnessing the fruitful effects of The Nordic-German-Polish Cluster of Excellence Benchmarking Project. In the last three months we have created ten new Inter-Cluster cooperations between clusters and networks in Denmark and Germany.

The Danish participation in Network of Automotive Excellence is in itself a direct result of this great work between Denmark and Germany. Therefore, it is a great pleasure for me to see that a Danish company has won this prestigious price - for an innovation that holds great potential for the automotive industry as well as for the climate and energy sector.

I therefore congratulate the Danish company TEGnology which has created this outstanding innovation - an innovation that in itself has its origins in the successful Danish-German research collaboration. This is the type of innovation that can create a foundation for a competitive Europe with growth and prosperity. Congratulations.

Læs mere om TEGnologys brug af det danske innovationssystem her

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