Se minister Morten Østergaards tale til prisoverrækkelse i Düsseldorf den 17. april
Nyhed fra Styrelsen for Forskning og Innovation
Minister Morten Østergaards tale til Network of Automotive Excellence konference den 17. april 2012:
Udskrift af talen:
In Denmark we put strong emphasis on collaborative relations to Germany. We are already witnessing the fruitful effects of The Nordic-German-Polish Cluster of Excellence Benchmarking Project. In the last three months we have created ten new Inter-Cluster cooperations between clusters and networks in Denmark and Germany.
The Danish participation in Network of Automotive Excellence is in itself a direct result of this great work between Denmark and Germany. Therefore, it is a great pleasure for me to see that a Danish company has won this prestigious price - for an innovation that holds great potential for the automotive industry as well as for the climate and energy sector.
I therefore congratulate the Danish company TEGnology which has created this outstanding innovation - an innovation that in itself has its origins in the successful Danish-German research collaboration. This is the type of innovation that can create a foundation for a competitive Europe with growth and prosperity. Congratulations.
Læs mere om TEGnologys brug af det danske innovationssystem her
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