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Help ESA find the best ideas for the next space missions/Invitation to tender about Frequency Jamming and Cyber Threats

Invitation to tender: Aviation Resilience to GNSS Frequency Jamming and Cyber Threats

The subject of this invitation to tender is to assess the impact of cyber threats on GNSS and propose a series of mitigation techniques with the goal of improving the resilience of GNSS mainly in manned and unmanned aviation. The final goal is to improve resilience of aviation operation. Deadline 16 October 2020.

ESA-EGU Earth Observation Excellence Award competition opens

Do you know someone who is in the early stages of their career, but already deserves recognition for their innovative use of Earth observation? If so, there is now a unique opportunity to nominate them for the new ESA–EGU Earth Observation Excellence Award. Deadline 2 November 2020.

Help ESA find the best ideas for the next space missions

About every three years, ESA Ministerial council meetings decide new space missions. These decisions require careful preparation to provide ministers with the necessary information.

Satellitdata fra Sentinel 3 og CryoSat hjælper os til viden om oversvømmelser og tørke

I et nyt studie har DTU brugt satellitdata med en præcision på kun et par centimeter og udviklet en meget nøjagtig model til at forudsige vandstand og dermed varsling af eventuelle klimaskabte oversvømmelser i udsatte flodområder. Studiet er udført i samarbejde med den europæiske rumorganisation ESA



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