Rapid Action on COVID19 with Earth Observation (RACE) initiative – new series of monthly challenges has been launched by ESA and EC DG-DEFIS
The latest challenge launched investigates how EO can contribute to monitoring and understanding the impacts of the pandemic on the economy and the environment. Each challenge follows a 3-stage roadmap, during which participants can receive up to 11,000EUR in prize money.
Accelerate your green transition through space
Now you have the opportunity to win an 8-week strategy process to a value of 100.000 DKK with the ESA BIC Denmark & DareDisrupt to help your company work towards a green transition boosted by space.
ESA Astronaut Careers Fair – 22 April 2021
Are you thinking about becoming an astronaut or have you already applied? If so, join us online on Thursday 22 April from 13:30-17:00 hrs for the European Space Agency's first virtual Astronaut Careers Fair. 22. april 2021
Kickstart a business with space
ESA BIC Denmark, ESA BIC Sverige og Bergenstråhle & Partners præsenterer et webinar om ESAs patentdatabase, som tilbyder teknologi til nye forretningsmuligheder. 22. april 2021
Virtuelt og internationalt Horizon Europe matchmaking-event
Arbejder du med digitale og grønne teknologier, kunstig intelligens, robotter, batterier eller hydrogen? Og er du på udkig efter samarbejdspartnere til internationale forsknings- eller innovationsprojekter uden for Danmarks grænser? Så deltag i virtuelt matchmaking-event den 29. april 2021. 29. april 2021
Hvis du er interesseret i det nyeste om astronomi og rumfart, kan vi f.eks. henvise dig til Videnskab.dk: