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Brug rummet - Nyhedsbrev 146

Join European Space Agency’s first ever Space2Connect conference / IDA Space Webinar: Jordobservation og IoT fra den internationale rumstation

Andreas Mogensen studies geology bound for the Moon in the Pangea expedition

Andreas - a big fan of adventure expeditions - is looking forward to becoming a competent field scientist: “Any human mission to the Moon will have geology as one of its primary goals. This makes this course very relevant, especially for the next class of ESA astronauts”

Rumklyngen Censec inviterer til rumstudietur til Oslo

Danske organisationer, forskere og virksomheder og andre, der arbejder inden for rumområdet – både upstream og downstream kan nu komme med CenSec – klyngen for forsvar, rum og sikkerhed på besøg hos Norsk Rumcenter og norske rumvirksomheder 23-24 november 2021.

IDA Space Webinar: Jordobservation og IoT fra den internationale rumstation

Få sidste nyt fra klimaobservatoriet ASIM og hør hvordan ISS kan udnyttes som platform for instrumenter, der giver os ny viden om jorden og atmosfæren.

ESA, NASA og Arianespace har i fællesskab defineret 18. december 2021 som mål dato for, hvornår Ariane 5 skal sende James Webb teleskopet i rummet fra Europas rumhavn i Fransk Guyana.

Calls open for two Online ESA Academy's Training Sessions in September-October 2021

Apply now for the two new opportunities for university students: The Online ESEO In Flight Experience Workshop 2 (19 to 21 October) and the Online Product Assurance Awareness Training Course (15 to 24 November). Application deadline: 19 and 21 September.

Join European Space Agency’s first ever Space2Connect conference - online

Space2Connect will be streamed from ESA ESTEC in Noordwijk in the Netherlands, and we invite you to participate! Space2Connect 2021 is a place to explore and discuss emerging space-based solutions for today’s and tomorrow’s digital economy

OneWeb and ESA invites you for Gen2 RFI Industry Day

OneWeb, the global communications network powered from space, will release its first Gen2 RFI and host an Industry Day in association with the European Space Agency on 23-24 September at the European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications (ECSAT).

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Cecilie Tornøe
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 84
Email: ct@ufm.dk

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