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IDA Space webinar: Space habitats and sustainable architecture / Positions are now open to the brand new ESA Junior Professional Programme

IDA Space webinar: Space habitats and sustainable architecture

Only Earth has all the ingredients to protect and sustain life, so habitats in space forces architects to think out of the box. Exploration missions will have to overcome many challenges that need sustainable solutions – technically and psychologically.

Sidste chance for at tilmelde sig CenSec Space Konference den 8. december 2021

Enestående mulighed for at mødes, skabe netværk og endda drive forretning på stedet. Mød bl.a. ESA BIC DK og flere start-ups fra inkubatormiljøet, Gomspace, Space Inventor, Gatehouse, Quadsat, DHI Gras, Teknologisk Institut, DTU, Andøya Space Center og desuden UFM

Tilmeldingen er nu åben til ESA’s Alpbach sommerskole 2022 om komparativ plasmafysik i universet

Sommerskolen finder sted 12. - 21. juli 2022 i Alpbach i Tyrol – Østrig og vil fokusere på forskellige niveauer observeret på Jorden, Planeterne, Solen og i hele universet. Tilmeldingen er nu åben. Studerende skal selv finde finansiering til at deltage

Positions are now open to the brand new ESA Junior Professional Programme

The programme is open to Master’s degree graduates with two to three years of professional experience, this programme offers a three-year placement with the opportunity to join ESA’s permanent workforce upon completion of the assignment.

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Cecilie Tornøe
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 84
Email: ct@ufm.dk

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