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Poster session at the Danish National Space Conference / EMSA-ESA Workshop on VDES in Lisbon

Poster session at the Danish National Space Conference

On 9-10 November, the National Space Conference will be held at SDU Odense. Here you will have the opportunity to see poster contributions covering a variety of space relate topics, from student satellites to microbiology in space. The conference is fully booked, but sign up on the waiting list.

Space for inspiration: ESA’s Business in Space Growth Network annual conference

Expanding horizons, forging new frontiers, and fueling the commercialization of space exploration – ESA’s Business in Space Growth Networks annual conference held at ESTEC on 18th-19th January 2024. Early bird registration open until 30th October 2023.

EMSA-ESA Workshop on VDES in Lisbon 

ESA and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) would like to invite you to attend the EMSA-ESA Workshop on VDES that will be held on 6 December 2023 at the EMSA premises in Lisbon (Praça Europa Nº4, 1249-206, Lisbon, Portugal). The workshop will be co-chaired by EMSA and ESA and the draft programme is attached.

Get ready for the Global Innovation Network Programme

The Global Innovation Network Programme (GINP) supports networking activities between Danish and international research and innovation actors, including in the space domaine. The programme is part of the Ministry of Higher Education and Science's efforts to internationalize Danish research and innovation. The next application deadline is expected to be in March 2024.

Mid-term evaluation of the Space Programme

Your input is wanted!. The call for evidence on Mid-term evaluation of the European Union Space Programme is now open for feedback until 9 November 2023. The Commission seeks inputs, that will contribute to further development and fine-tuning of the space programme.

Enroll on the 2024 ESA Academy Introduction to Space Law Training Course

As humanity looks toward future missions to the Moon and Mars, the evolving space legal landscape will additionally require the definition of aspects not yet fully realised. The course will touch upon the authorisation of space activities, liability, insurance, and sustainability. In-person only.

Online introduktion til ESA’s nye klimaprogram CLIMATE-SPACE

ESA inviterer danske interessenter til en online præsentation af efterfølgeren til ESA’s Climate Change Initiative (CCI) program – CLIMATE-SPACE programmet. Der vil efterfølgende være mulighed for 1:1 møder med ESA om programmet. Deadline for tilmelding: 31 oktober 2023

Hvis du er interesseret i det nyeste om astronomi og rumfart, kan vi f.eks. henvise dig til Videnskab.dk:

Hvis du er interesseret i at arbejde inden for rumområdet, kan vi f.eks. henvise til ESA's og EUSPA's hjemmesider:


Cecilie Tornøe
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 84
Email: ct@ufm.dk

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Senest opdateret 23. juni 2024