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Application open for Summer School Alpbach 2024 / EU's prioriteringer på rumområdet

Apply now for the ESA-FAIR Space Radiation School 2024

The ESA-FAIR Radiation Summer School has been established to train students in basic heavy ion biophysics for both terrestrial and space applications. The school will be unique worldwide and is expected to attract large attention from the international community. Deadline for application April 30.

Application open for Summer School Alpbach 2024

Sixty European engineering and science students will be selected to participate in a ten-day learning opportunity held in the village of Alpbach in the beautiful Austrian Alps. The topic of the Summer School Alpbach 2024 is: “Giant planets and their moons”. Apply now for an experience of a lifetime!

Call for MAG membership (Harmony, CAIRT, WIVERN)

ESA Calls for membership of the Harmony Earth Explorer 10, and Earth Explorer 11 Candidate Mission Advisory Groups (MAGs)

Kommissionens blik på EU's prioriteringer på rumområdet

Den 16. udgave af European Space Conference blev afholdt i Bruxelles 23-24 januar, hvor repræsentanter fra hele det europæiske rum-økosystem deltog. De gennemgående temaer på årets konference var den kommende EU rumlov, national sikkerhed og konkurrenceevne.

Hvis du er interesseret i det nyeste om astronomi og rumfart, kan vi f.eks. henvise dig til Videnskab.dk:

Hvis du er interesseret i at arbejde inden for rumområdet, kan vi f.eks. henvise til ESA's og EUSPA's hjemmesider:


Cecilie Tornøe
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 84
Email: ct@ufm.dk

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Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
Senest opdateret 23. juni 2024