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Observationsmuligheder til CHEOPS / ESA is recruiting two new directors

Announcement of Opportunity for observationsmuligheder til CHEOPS

Denne AO er den fjerde for deltagelse i CHEOPS Guest Observers Programme. CHEOPS studerer kendte exoplaneter i umiddelbar nærhed af solsystemet for at forstå planetdannelse- og udvikling. Forslag til observationer af exoplaneter skal indsendes senest 25. maj 2023

Announcement of Opportunity til Science Planners for IRIS

IRIS er en NASA-mission, som undersøger flowet af energi og plasma fra solens photosfære. For niende gang er det nu muligt at ansøge om at være ”Science Planner” for den IRIS missionen. Ansøgninger skal indsendes senest 5. juni 2023

ESA is recruiting two new directors

Do you need a new job? The European Space Agency is looking for two new directors. One for Connectivity and Secure Communications and one for ESA’s Internal Services. Both will join ESA’s executive board and support the Director General. Deadline for applications is 7 June 2023

Identifying Challenges along the Lunar In-Situ Resource Utilisation Value Chain

Students, researchers, experts or entrepreneurs are invited to submit their proposals. The European Space Agency (ESA) is looking for challenge-driven innovation ideas for the gaps of In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) on the Moon. Deadline is 30 June 2023.

Save the Date: Space for Inspiration 2023 at ESTEC

The European Space Agency ESA invites the space exploration commercialisation community for two days of mind-blowing talks, hands-on workshops, and exclusive networking opportunities with key industry players at ESTEC.

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    Cecilie Tornøe
    Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 84
    Email: ct@ufm.dk

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    Uddannelses- og Forskningsstyrelsen
    Senest opdateret 23. juni 2024