Formålet med Sapere Aude er at give forskningens elite de bedste betingelser for at skabe banebrydende forskningsresultater. Programmet består af tre trin og skaber en tydelig karrierevej for de dygtigste forskere. Der tages forbehold for såvel trykfejl som eventuelle justeringer i forhold til de i oversigten angivne beløb.
Projekttitel: Sapere Aude: Mechanistic studies of the role of the gut microbiota in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 923.904
Projekttitel: Global Mesozoic Large Igneous Provinces: An integrated approach to decipher the connection between Surface and Deep Earth
Institution: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 951.840
Projekttitel: Caught in the act - Identifying primary nucleation events for fibrillating proteins
Institution: Aarhus Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 480.211
Projekttitel: Deciphering ubiquitylation signaling networks in the DNA damage response
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 658.440
Projekttitel: A general-purpose framework for software verification
Institution: IT-Universitetet i København
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.006.456
Projekttitel: Investigating the role of risk-taking in vulnerable young people's pathways to early adulthood
Institution: SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd
Bevilget beløb: kr 981.527
Projekttitel: Aquaporin assembly and regulation: studied by super-resolution imaging and single protein tracking
Institution: Aarhus Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.003.906
Projekttitel: MetaElasticity for advanced phononic designs
Institution: Syddansk Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 532.800
Projekttitel: Between Land and Sea: Connectivity and Mercantilism in Coastal Landscapes
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 914.103
Projekttitel: The Sense of Tact
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.003.861
Projekttitel: Mechanisms involved in VEGF secretion in chondrocytes following endogenous stimulation with pericellular matrix components during early osteoarthritis
Institution: Aarhus Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 819.520
Projekttitel: A Bayesian non-parametric approach to Markov chain Monte Carlo
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 997.554
Projekttitel: Can We Know a Cause by Seeing it?
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 578.935
Projekttitel: Prevention of aggregation in treatment of Staphylococcus aureus infections (PASTI).
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 956.205
Projekttitel: Imaging Migraine Mechanisms from Cells to Humans.
Institution: Glostrup Hospital
Bevilget beløb: kr 694.894
Projekttitel: Virus-cell fusion leads to detection of endogenous DNA – implications for Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Institution: Aarhus Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 898.560
Projekttitel: Terabit Ethernet on Silicon Photonic Chips – Enhanced by Amorphous Silicon
Institution: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.007.225
Projekttitel: Adaptive behaviour in echolocating bats, from sensory input to motor output
Institution: Syddansk Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 806.400
Projekttitel: HIV and Tuberculosis Immune Exhaustion
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 997.606
Projekttitel: Talking Neolithic – recovering the language of the first European farmers
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 691.960
Projekttitel: Artificial condensed matter systems implemented through cold atomic and molecular systems
Institution: Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich
Bevilget beløb: kr 138.240
Projekttitel: Ecological speciation in salmonids: the genomic background for the evolution of eco-morphs
Institution: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.000.159
Projekttitel: Chemical Tools for Unraveling the Importance of the Lysine Deacylase (KDAC) Enzymes
Institution: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 967.169
Projekttitel: Studies of Heterogeneous Catalysts for Biomass Conversion
Institution: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.002.604
Projekttitel: Proximity and Price
Institution: Copenhagen Business School
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.004.797
Projekttitel: Vasopressin-independent regulation of body water homeostasis
Institution: Aarhus Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 909.001
Projekttitel: Human Population-Specific Reference Genomes
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.005.120
Projekttitel: Investigating risk cultures among Danish youth. A qualitative study of risk-taking as habituated action
Institution: SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd
Bevilget beløb: kr 974.841
Projekttitel: Extracellular influence on precipitation, growth and transformation mechanisms of iron oxides in microbial systems
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 937.958
Projekttitel: A Comprehensive Experimental and Clinical Study of GALNT2-Induced Dyslipidemia – Protein O-Glycosylation plays a central role in proprotein processing and lipid metabolism
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 913.118
Projekttitel: Do Party Leaders Respond to the Party, the Electorate or to Coalition Partners?
Institution: Syddansk Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.003.392
Projekttitel: Religious Militancy in Pakistan - Understanding Sacred Dimensions of Violence
Institution: DIIS - Dansk Institut for Internationale Studier
Bevilget beløb: kr 939.705
Projekttitel: Plasmonic nanofocusing for high resolution DNA mapping
Institution: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 829.737
Projekttitel: Development of a cell free approach for determining the G protein or β-arrestin bias of ligands at 7 transmembrane receptors
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.007.123
Projekttitel: In operando studies of electrochemical gas purification
Institution: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 711.043
Projekttitel: Breaking Bonds of the Heart - an Emotional History of Divorce 1885-2012
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 1.000.843
Projekttitel: Calm Surveillance: Overload, Attention and Affectivity in the Cultural Imagination of Ubiquitous Surveillance Technologies
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 937.041
Projekttitel: Sustainable Biological Lasers
Institution: Danmarks Tekniske Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 815.295
Projekttitel: LDL receptor-related proteins in proteinopathic and proteinuric diseases
Institution: Aarhus Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 957.317
Projekttitel: Anti-parasitic and immune-modulating effects of feeding plant secondary metabolites in pig production
Institution: Københavns Universitet
Bevilget beløb: kr 985.634