Foredrag: The AMAZE Project: Bringing 3D Printing into the metal age
- Foredrag: The AMAZE Project: Bringing 3D Printing into the metal age
- 2015-09-07T18:00:00+02:00
- 2015-09-07T19:00:00+02:00
- Kom til gratis foredrag med Andrea Amaldi, Den Europæiske Rumorganisation (ESA), om AMAZE-projektet, som har til formål at installere den første 3D-metalprinter på Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS).
- Tid og sted
- Hvornår 07. september 2015 fra 18:00 til 19:00
- Hvor Dansk Industri, H. C. Andersens Boulevard 18, København
Om foredraget "The AMAZE Project: Bringing 3D Printing into the metal age" ved Andrea Amaldi, Den Europæiske Rumorganisation (ESA)
3D printing is building a solid object from a series of layers, each one printed on top of the last – also known as additive manufacturing. 3D printing is considered to be the third industrial revolution among manufacturers. ESA and the European Commission have launched a project to perfect the printing of space-quality metal components: the AMAZE project. One of the main aims of the AMAZE project is to put the first 3D metal printer on the International Space Station allowing astronauts to produce tools and new structures on demand. 3D printing is also going to be applied in the Metallurgy Europe Programme whereby ESA has joined forces with other leading research institutions and over 180 European companies in a billion-euro programme to develop new types of metals and manufacturing techniques for this century. Metal elements can be combined and mixed in an infinite number of ways to discover new materials such as metallic compounds, alloys, composites, superconductors and semiconductors. Andrea Amaldi is an aeronautical engineer working at the Space Research and Technology Centre of the European Space Agency (ESA/ESTEC) in Noordwijk, the Netherlands. He works on materials & energy related projects within the Strategic & Emerging Technology Team.
Foredraget holdes på engelsk.
Foredraget er en del af foredragsrækken om "Rumrejsen - Danmark i Rummet"
Når astronaut Andreas Mogensen for Den Europæiske Rumorganisation (ESA) flyver til Den Internationale Rumstation (ISS) som den første dansker i rummet, inviteres offentligheden samtidig til en række unikke og gratis foredrag om Danmark og det internationale samarbejde i rummet.
Foredragsrækken er blevet til i et samarbejde mellem Dansk Industri, Den Europæiske Rumorganisation (ESA) og Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriet.
Foredragene afholdes klokken 17-18 på hverdage i perioden den 31. august til 11. september 2015.
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