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Political Ambitions behind Horizon Europe

The challenges and changes the world is facing today are complex. Solutions call for international cooperation on research and innovation, and Horizon Europe supports this work with some DKK 700 billion over the next years.

Horizon Europe is a large, diverse framework programme with clear visions about contributing to the solutions of the challenges the world is now facing. Horizon Europe covers all research disciplines and innovation fields.

The framework programme has a wide scope from funds to very skilled and excellent researchers over international research and innovation cooperation between universities, the business community, and local authorities to personal grants and completely new ways of supporting innovative businesses with the right ideas.

A common feature of most programmes is that they require a cross-sectoral cooperation on spearheading solutions of today’s societal challenges. Therefore, it is important to focus on the cross-sectoral element of projects when you search among the multitude of opportunities under Horizon Europe.

The Green Path

One of the most significant ambitions of the framework programme is to bring researchers, businesses, and stakeholders together, so they can jointly solve some of the largest societal challenges of today. Key elements in this respect are the climate and green issues as well as an enhancement of European competitiveness at the global level. The European green transition must also pay respect to a just and inclusive societal development.

Challenges have been defined primarily based on the following:

  • UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • European Climate Pact
  • Political priorities of the European Commission

Document Actions

Danish Agency for Higher Education and Science
last modified June 23, 2024