JRC-DFiR Workshop on Science for policymaking in Denmark, 22 April 2021
- https://ufm.dk/forskning-og-innovation/rad-og-udvalg/danmarks-forsknings-og-innovationspolitiske-rad/aktuelt/arrangementer/jrc-dfir-workshop-on-science-for-policymaking-in-denmark
- JRC-DFiR Workshop on Science for policymaking in Denmark, 22 April 2021
- 2021-04-22T15:00:00+02:00
- 2021-04-22T18:00:00+02:00
- The Danish Council for Research and Innovation Policy (DFiR) and the European Commission's Research Council are hosting a joint webinar on science for policymaking in Denmark
- Tid og sted
- Hvornår 22. april 2021 fra 15:00 til 18:00
The webinar addresses the need of a clear communication and adaptation of scientific evidence and advice and how to improve use of science advice as a fundamental resource for policymaking in contemporary societies.
DFiR has commisioned a discussion paper as background for the webinar. DFiR invited the authors to draft a discussion paper that presents an overview of the eco-system of scientific advice in Denmark as well as challenges and items for future consideration. The discussion paper is authored by David Budtz Pedersen and Rolf Hvidtfelt.
A preliminary report has been drafted based on the notes taken during the webinar. It is a working document and comments and corrections are most welcome, please contact:
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