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CAMS user workshop Denmark

The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), in cooperation with Aarhus University and the Danish Centre for Environment and Energy, is organising an online user workshop on 19 April 2023. The workshop is targeted at current and potential future CAMS users in Denmark.
  • Tid og sted
  • Hvornår 19. april 2023 fra 09:30 til 16:30
  • Hvor Online

user workhop.PNG

CAMS provides consistent and quality-controlled information related to air pollution and health, solar energy, the ozone layer and UV radiation, greenhouse gases and climate forcing, everywhere in the world. The CAMS portfolio offers global and European data products (multi-decadal reanalysis, daily analysis and forecasts), emissions and fluxes, and tools to support policy makers. CAMS products benefit from assimilating data from more than 80 satellite instruments as well as in-situ from regulatory and research measurement networks. CAMS products are available free and open for everyone.

The CAMS user workshop is an opportunity for interested individuals and organisations to:

  • Learn how CAMS users apply CAMS data in their work
  • Meet members of the CAMS team
  • Receive updates on CAMS evolution and the National Collaboration Programme with Denmark
  • Discover CAMS-related activities in the country and learn how to interact and collaborate with other CAMS users
  • Ask questions and share recommendations regarding CAMS services
  • During the workshop, participants will also learn about the future of CAMS in Denmark.

The workshop is organised in two sessions (9:30-12:00 and 13:30-16:00). The meeting will be held in English. After an overview of the CAMS products and service, the morning session will focus on best use of CAMS data for air quality and pollen, while the afternoon session will look into potential use of CAMS data for agriculture and emissions.

Resigter before 18:00 CET on the 12th of April 2023 to receive a link to the webinar


Anne Birgitte Klitgaard
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 42
Email: ak@ufm.dk

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