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ESA BIC DK PITCH WEEK 2023 in Aarhus

ESA BIC Denmark invites you to an intensive 5-day program at Aarhus University to assist you in perfecting your pitch and provide you with the opportunity to pitch to 5 investors at the end of the program.
  • Tid og sted
  • Hvornår 23. oktober 2023 til 29. oktober 2023
  • Hvor The Kitchen, Aarhus University

Having a well tuned pitch deck is necessary for any startup that will communicate with the surrounding ecosystem such as public soft funding (Innofounder, Innobooster, Vækstfonden etc), private investors, and anyone else who is interested in your startup.

At the beginning of the week, you get a pitch template that you fill out throughout the week. In between the strategy sit-downs, you and your team can call and e-mail relevant people as well as conduct desk-top research.

The intense week ends on Friday afternoon with presentations in front of a panel of investors, and other entrepreneurs.

Key takeaways

  • You have a solid 10 min. pitch deck
  • You are able and comfortable pitching to investors and other stakeholders
  • You have a more solid business case

Sign up by emailing Jonas Brandt jobr@au.dk

Registration deadline: 09.10.23


Cecilie Tornøe
Tlf.: +45 72 31 82 84
Email: ct@ufm.dk

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Senest opdateret 23. juni 2024