Online introduktion til ESA’s Sentinel User Preparation (SUP) element og Permanently Open Call for Proposals i FutureEO programmet

- Online introduktion til ESA’s Sentinel User Preparation (SUP) element og Permanently Open Call for Proposals i FutureEO programmet
- 2024-04-22T13:00:00+02:00
- 2024-04-22T16:00:00+02:00
- ESA inviterer danske interessenter til online præsentation af Sentinel User Preparation (SUP) elementet og Permanently Open Call for Proposals elementet i Blok 4 (EO Science for Society) i FutureEO programmet. Der vil efterfølgende være mulighed for 1:1 møder med ESA. Tilmelding lukker 17 april
- Tid og sted
- Hvornår 22. april 2024 fra 13:00 til 16:00
- Hvor Online
Sentinel User Preparation (SUP)
Sentinel Expansion and Next Generation Missions of the Copernicus Programme will ensure a ground breaking new set of data collection capabilities for Europe. However effective uptake of these new data streams requires the strengthening of European technical capacity to build applications and services that optimally integrate these new data (in particular for operational and commercial information service portfolios), while users require time and visibility of appropriate verification and validation information to build the acceptance of these new data sets within the operational services on which they rely.
The Sentinel User Preparation(SUP) Element addresses these issues prior to the launch of the new satellites so that operational structures are in place as soon as the data become available, thereby minimizing the ramp-up of utilization that would otherwise be expected to last for 2 – 3 years after the first satellite is launched.
The SUP element comprises a set of tenders to address both scientific and industrial capacity to exploit the new data streams as well as institutional and operational stakeholder acceptance of the data and the new applications enabled.
Permanently Open Call for Proposals
The EO Science for Society Permanently Open Call has been a highly successful mechanism for stimulating an extremely wide range of innovative EO related developments from private sector operators, public sector institutions and research groups. To date, this has primarily focused on the four “traditional” activity lines under Future EO Block 4, ie science, applications, industrial competitiveness and digital innovation. More than 800 proposals have been received to date and almost 200 contracts have been placed. It provides a unique mechanism for scientific research organizations, public sector institutions and private sector operators to obtain the financial support for innovative “try it and see” investigations into innovative science exploitation, applications and services exploiting EO data. There are two types of activity supported:
- Innovative development and verification activities for a maximum value of 200k€
- Fast track small scale testing activities for a maximum value of 100k€
There are three submission deadlines for proposals each year and the intention is to have bidders notified of success or failure within 2 months of the relevant proposal submission deadline. In the case of activities that demonstrate outcomes which would warrant larger scale follow-on actions, these may be integrated into the following annual work plan of Invitations to Tender.
1300 The Sentinel User Preparation Element presented by Anke Schickling (ESA)
1320 Q & A
1330 The Permanently Open Call for Proposals presented by Gordon Campbell (ESA)
1350 Q & A
1400 – 1600 1:1 meetings between Gordon Campbell and Anke Schickling and Danish stakeholders (20 minutes per meeting slot)
To participate – send no later than Wednesday 17th April an email to Anne Klitgaard ( and indicate whether you intend to participate only in the general presentation or also want to book a 1:1 meeting with ESA. Meeting slots are allocated on a first come, first served basis.
A link to join the meeting will be forwarded to the participants.
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