Registration is open for SME + Midcap Days 2024

- Registration is open for SME + Midcap Days 2024
- 2024-04-08T00:00:00+02:00
- 2024-04-09T23:59:59+02:00
- The 2nd edition of the SME + Midcap Days, including the SME Forum, will take place at ESA Headquarters in Paris on 8–9 April 2024. SMEs from ESA Member States, Associate States and Cooperating States are now invited to register to attend the in-person event.
- Tid og sted
- Hvornår 08. april 2024 til 09. april 2024
- Hvor ESA HQ Mario Nikis, 8-10 rue Mario Nikis, CS 45741, 75738 Paris Cedex 15
- Målgruppe SMEs
- Link Ekstern webside for arrangementet
Participating SME’s will get the opportunity to share their concerns and ideas with ESA, as well as learn about important developments for companies interested in working with ESA, such as getting an update about ESAs upcoming revision of the Procurement Regulations.
On day 1, ESA representatives will share updates and information with the industrial community and will open the floor for discussions. In addition, a meeting between SMEs and Midcaps is foreseen.
On day 2, the well-established annual SME and Midcap Fora, led by the Directorate of Commercialisation, Industry and Competitivenss, will take place. The two fora are industry consultation processes during which industry participants are invited to share their views and give feedback about topics which affect their companies’ work with ESA and in the space sector in general. Consolidated comments and reactions provided will feed into the next ESA High Level Forum as well as future considerations about the activities and policies of the Agency.
The objectives of the SME+Midcap Days, including the SME Forum, are:
- to collect industry feedback about topics which affect the companies’ business in the ESA and non-ESA context
- to provide an opportunity to discuss with ESA representatives and exchange views and information
- to facilitate networking between SMEs and SMEs as well as SMEs and Midcaps
- to inform SMEs and Midcaps about recent developments and provide information with regard to working with ESA
SME Registration
Places are limited and preference will be given to company representatives whose entities are also taking part in the online preparatory meetings for the SME Forum in March. The Agency encourages participation at management level.
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