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Call for proposals: The Phi-lab in Austria invites proposals from all ESA member states

Call for upstream technology! The focus of ESA Phi-Lab Austria is to combine results and needs of industrialization efforts in the upstream space industry with terrestrial research in the domain of industrial innovation. Proposals from other countries must benefit Austria. Deadline: 10 November 2024

The Austrian Phi-lab is part of ESA’s Phi-labNET - a network composed of several different Phi-labs in ESA Member States funded through ESA’s Innovate Element in the ScaleUp Programme. The objective is to create a dynamic network of Phi-labs across Europe focusing on delivering innovation, reducing the time-to-market and with potential to disrupt and transform markets.

In Austria, accent Inkubator GmbH is responsible for managing ESA Phi-Lab Austria. ESA Phi-Lab Austria offers a comprehensive package of support to projects, including access to and use of Phi-Lab laboratories, equipment, facilities, co-workspace at Airport Vienna, innovation seed funding, technical support, business coaching and legal/IPR support.

Phi-Lab Austria encourage potential bidders to contact the Phi-Lab early in the preparation phase to obtain support and advice on how to prepare your proposal most successfully.

A comprehensive package of support to research teams

The Austrian Phi-Lab offers a comprehensive package of support to research teams selected, including access to and use of Phi-Lab laboratories, equipment, innovation seed funding, technical support, business coaching, and legal/IPR advice.

The focus of ESA Phi-Lab Austria is to combine results and needs of recent and future industrialization efforts in the upstream space industry with terrestrial research in the domain of industrial innovation. This will support technology development efforts, ensuring that the developed products can be industrialized and brought to market as competitively as possible.

ESA Phi-Lab NET intends to bridge the gap between research and commercialisation. ESA Phi-Lab Austria has a strong focus on disruptive innovation and commercialisation of upstream hardware and software. ESA Phi-Lab Austria supports projects in the mentioned upstream domain. ESA Phi-Lab Austria accepts legal entities located in Austria or ESA Member States that have a strong benefit for the Austrian ecosystem.

The idea shall have a valid space connection. This is:

  • The exploitation of space technology, use of knowledge from the space domain, or utilisation of space systems and space-based services in non-space domains (spin-off),
  • Or the provision of products or services for the space sector, addressing any part of the space value chain (from components to entirely new space systems or related facilities and services) and any related activity (from concept definition to operation), possibly using non-space technology (spin-in).

 The Austrian Phi-Lab hereby invites you to submit your application in response to their open call. The invitation provides an introduction to the application and evaluation process and contains references to the templates that should be used when applying.

This first Open Call deadline is November 10. 2024. Proposal submitted after the closing date may be considered for a later open call. It is expected that the evaluation process will take approximately one month.



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Senest opdateret 10. oktober 2024