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Danish HEIMDAL project selected for flight on a stratospheric balloon

Ten new student teams have been selected to participate in the Swedish-German REXUS/BEXUS programme and will develop their own experiments for a flight on a stratospheric balloon or sounding rocket. One of the selected teams is HEIMDAL from the University of Southern Denmark and Aarhus University.

H.E.I.M.D.A.L stands for “ Hyper Spectral Environmental Imagery Measurements Differentiating between Areas of Localized Specimens” and is a project that contributes to new knowledge about biomass on Earth, where forests are in focus. A unique camera from Newtec Engineering enables us to become better at seeing the Earth from a bigger perspective. 
HEIMDAL has been chosen to fly an experiment at the European Space Agency’s stratospheric balloon ascent. HEIMDAL consists of 13 students in biology, physics, and engineering from the University of Southern Denmark and Aarhus University.

The next step for HEIMDAL and the other selected teams is to begin refining their preliminary design before they travel to the Esrange Space Center for a full week of training and Preliminary Design Reviews. This is the start of a long journey with the REXUS/BEXUS programme, which supports the teams through a full project’s life cycle that includes a series of reviews, integration and testing, launch and operation, and analysis/communication of results.



Hjalte Osborn Frandsen
Tlf.: +45 72 31 91 25
Email: hof@ufm.dk

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Senest opdateret 23. juni 2024