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ESA's Swarm missionen fejrer tiårs fødselsdag / Join the European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce

ESA's Swarm missionen fejrer tiårs fødselsdag

Frederiksberg Bibliotek præsenterer en spændende liveoptagelse af podcasten RumSnak, med fokus på ESAs Swarm-mission, hvor tre satellitter i 10 år har undersøgt jordens magnetfelt. Arrangementet foregår på Hovedbiblioteket på Frederiksberg 11. april fra 18.00 til 20.00

Join the European Centre for Space Economy and Commerce 

Join ESA’s interdisciplinary Space Economy and Commerce network which connects individuals from the private sector, public institutions, international organisations and academia. Become a part of a vibrant community which fosters European collaboration toward the development of the space sector.

Register now for ESA Commercialisation Days: Space Forum for Green Energy

The Space Forum for Green Energy, will bring together key stakeholders from the green energy and space technology sectors to foster increased collaboration and discover how space-based solutions can accelerate the transition to green energy in Europe and beyond.

Call for Expressions of Interest - EU Space Information Sharing and Analysis Centre

The Commission is launching a call to set up and participate in an EU Space ISAC. It aims at strengthening the security and resilience of the EU space sector by developing the awareness and capabilities of its members. Companies, incl. SMEs and start-ups as well as public entities are welcome.

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Senest opdateret 01. august 2024